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- Jaguar

I am currently in Hawaii with my parents and my uncle Jambu. Not sure how I feel about him.

He is super chill and nice. He just seems like someone you can't rely on. Jambu is the oldest out of the Palm kids.

And I feel the oldest sibling needs to have their siblings backs. Jambu is more like he left to Hawaii after highschool and hasn't seen anyone of his family  since then.

He isn't loyal to his family, and that gets on my nerves big time.

But nonetheless, mom wants dad and me to be nice to him. So I obey.

I recall what Jambu was like when we first got here. Somehow he didn't know it wasn't just mom coming.

Mom knocked on the wooden door. Next thing I know, a tall man with light brown hair and pink swim trunks appear.

He has his hair in a man bun and a wide grin on his face. "Glory! Little sis bring it in!" he exclaims in a booming voice.

Mom and Jambu embrace. When they break apart he glances at Dad and me. "Oh! Sorry, are you amazon deliveres? I've been waiting for my new surfboard to come in." he says to us.

I look behind me quickly. No one is there. "Are you talking about us?" I ask. He nods expectantly.

I blink at him. "Uh-" I stutter. "I'm her husband." Deathbringer clarifies. Jambu's eyes widen. "Oh my mistake! So you must be the amazon deliverer!" he says looking at me.

Ok how stupid can someone be?

"Jambu," mom says calmly. "There are no amazon packages. This is my son, Jaguar." mom explains while dad puts a hand on my shoulder.

Jambu's eyes widen again. "I have a nephew?" he asks in disbelief.

I look around in shock. How has this man lost that much touch with his family?

"Yes. One nephew. Then there is my daughter, Firefly. And Kinkajou's daughter Rose." Mom says with a sigh.

"Nieces too?" Jambu says. I look at dad he shrugs. "I'm an uncle!" Jambu exclaims. I shake my head. Mom elbows me hard in the ribs. I wince.

Dad smothers a grin. "You know what? I see it now. He has the signature Palm eyes." Jambu says looking into my eyes.

That is true. Each of the original Palm children have the same bright green eyes. Rose, Firefly, and I all have the exact same shade of eyes. "All of them do." I say.

He nods. "It is our most dominant trait." Jambu says proudly. I nod feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Well come in." he urges us. Great let's finally get out of the hot sun.

Yeah, he rubbed me wrong. Almost immediately I called Firefly and complained. And guess what. While I am stuck here with our wack uncle, she is going on a road trip to Arizona with Jade and Rose.

Very unfair. Well, atleast I won't be dealing with 120 degree weather. Seriously the people who live there are tough.

Like they need an award or something cause it's crazy over there.

Surviving seems impossible during the summers in Arizona. Thats off topic though.

I have to spend the rest of my week here. With this guy. Atleast he's nice.

I remember that night when Jambu had went to bed. Mom had talked to us.

"Look guys, he's a little...different. Yeah he is super hippie like and totally chilaxed. But he's family. Be nice." mom had told us.

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