"Maybe another time" Jason says as he calms down. He then neels down,and I look at Trish "okay, so...." I am as cut off by the cracking of bones. I look toward Jason to see him change into in oversized dog. When he looks at me all I can do is scream." He just ...what, you were tell the truth, wow." I say to trish keeping my eye on jason.

He start to move toward me and that is when I break and run. I can say that I never ran that fast In my life, it felt like minutes but was probly seconds. Ifeel a weight on my back and then I fall to the ground, as i was trying to get up I hear a growl that makes me stop moving." Cassie you dummy I told you to not run, and you still did it, now look."she says coming over to us. "Can you tell him to get off me, he weight about 3 ton".I ask her breathless. "You have to promise not to run or he won't." He he lifts some of he weight off and I turn on my back and he is in my face," there is a thing called personal space, and I promise not to run, wow you have big ear,your so cute." I say playing with his face and laughing.  He says that he is not cute, cute is not manly" trish says laughing too. "Yes, he is come look he so fluffy and his big blue eyes and ears". I say waving Trish over to look.

He gets off me and goes in to the woods and I get up, he  come's out as himself in some basket ball short. "Do you believe now" he say coming to us, i nod" so do you have any questions" he asks as we walk to the living room. I nod again " and don't tell anyone that I am cute because I am not cute" I just laugh at him and sit down. "so what do you want to ask" Trish asks after a while." We there any others that are not human other than wolve like....vampires because that wood be so cool vampire are amazing".

"No, we are the only ones" jason said irritated

"K,so we're mates right"


"Is everyone in our school wolves too"

"Town,yes"Jason says to correct me. We sit I silence for a while." Do you have any more questions" trish asks to break the silence. "no not right now, but what do we do now" i say putti g my attention on jason." Would you like to take a walk and talk hw ask nervous. "Sure, um Trish can you take me home when we come back" I ask her not adopt  in the mood  to stay.

"Yeah, have fun" I laugh as I follow Jason out of the house. We walk in silence for a while and he breaks it "so, how are you feeling about all of this" "surprised, i guess half of me wanted to believe that you were shifting m ,but the other half believed you" I tell him honestly "but do you want to hear something funny" " sure" " I now no why i feel connected to you" i tell him "yeah that is funny, but it's a good thing because I don't have to hind anymore" he tells me while looking at me.

We start to talk about random thing as we walk. We walk around for about half an hour,but I had fun talking to him,it was cute how when we talked about certain thing he would get nervous, and he says he is not cute. I learned that he is 19 and he only gives to the school to make sure their is order because another pack that goes to the school and his favorite colors which are Black and Blue,which my favorite colors are Blue and Orange. We got to learn about each other. "So, did you enjoy the walk" jason asks as we walk to the front door. "Yes I did, thanks did you" I aak him with a real smile "yes,I did , can u ask you something" "you just did, but yes you can." I say laughing at him " um do you.. no would you wow um...Would you go out with me like on a date, I mean you dont have to go if you don..." I cut his rambling off,ev e n though it was cute how he was nervous to ask me out "I would love to go out with you on a date" the smile on his face  becomes so high I did not think it was possible. "okay, um ...." before he could finish his response Trish comes out of the house screaming " yes, finally he asked you, everyone has been waiting for this moment" she says smiling at me.We both look at her and start to laugh.

When we calm down i look at trish and  and say" ok, um come on, take me home" "k, let me grab my keys, you can meet me by the car" she tells me as she walks back into the house. "k" i look at Jason when she disappears "so ,um see you around then" " yeah, um see you" he say with a smile. I turn and walk to the car, I was waiting for about five minutes until she came out smile, so I knew that she was up to something.

The ride home was silent but not awkward like I thought because it is her brother that I am going on a date to, but it wasn't. I wonder how it will go." Bye cassie see you tomorrow, are you coming over or do you just want to hang here" she ask sticking her head out her car window "it all depends on how us feel, but for now we can hang here" i tell her when i get on my porch. She nods" and don't forget to call me when you get home k" I yell when I am half way in side, she heatwave her hand as she drives off. I go up stairs after letting them know that i am home and getting a text form Trisha telling me she is home. After I get ready for bed and turn on Disney channel and see my favorite movie  starstruck on I get a text from an unknown number, when i read the text it is from Jason
J=Jason, C=Cassie

J- hi cassie this is Jason, i got your number from Trish, I hope you don't mind, this is my # so yeah,

C- hi jason :) and  I don't mind, but you could have just asked, I would have gave it to you, and thank for letting me know.

J-  so what r u doing  right now

C- talking to u :P and watching starstuck

We continued to talk all night until I got tired and feel asleep on him. We had a good conversation it never got boring, I forgot all about me movie


It's been a long time everyone but I have not forgotten you all. Here is a longer chapter for you all, and I hope you enjoy.

I dedicate this chapter to Kidruhl1234




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