what to do

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Here it is everyone,i was able to update today,hope that you all like it. Thanks for waiting and enjoy.
I dedicate this to everyone who waited and all of my followers. Love you guys

Cassie pov

It has been a week since Jason has come back and we have got to know each other a lot, Which I am happy about, but what I'm afraid of is that I am having these feelings for him, that i should not have because he is dangerous and is trisha's brother so that makes him off limits to me. Even if I could date him he would not date someone like me, I am pretty but not gorgeous, their are many better looking girls then me. Also I have became friends with Terrance who is dating Jade, Carl who is also dating Trish,and Michael who is dating Carly. I think they all are good couple, sometimes I wish that I had someone like that that would treat me like I am everything, but that never happens to someone....

"Cassie are you even listening to us"trish brings me out of my little self rant.

"Sorry, was just thinking, what did you say" I say sheepishly to her.

"Well pay attention,I was asking if you wanted to come with us and spend the night at my house"she asked happily.

I had to think about this because her brother would be there, and I would have to see him, which will not help my situation at all. A finger snapping in my face cut me off "earth to cassie, are you still there" this time Cody asked which i just nodded and told Trish yes to her question.

Which I got a loud squeal from, and had to cover my ear.

BRINGGGGGGGGG the bell that says lunch is over and all the girls and me go to dance and the boys go to hip-hop dance (there somewhat the same and different dance is all type of dances and styles, and hip-hop is just hip-hop dance) it's ironic how we have the same classes, the only class everyone does not have altogether is dance and hip-hop.

After school were all head to our cars and plan to meet at my house in a hour to go to Trish's house.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2hour later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We just left my house and is on our way to Trish house.I am nervous to be around him and not be able to be with him, or think about him.

"So do you guys want to go to the movies before we hit the hay" I ask them to try to stall."sure let's go drop our things off and then we can go."Cody said and they all agreed.

"Jas......JAS........JASON"Trish says to get his attention from somewhere in the house. Which makes me and everyone laugh.

"Trish I heard you the first time so SHUT DE FUCK UP, SCREAMING ,now what do you want".he says coming into the living room mad. Which stopped everyone laughing fit.

"DON'T yell at me , and just wanted to tell you we were here and that we were going to the movies and see if you wanted to come, but you have an attitude.so no you can't come, and cassie was going to sit with you so....."

"Trish" i say low and hit her in the arm." Ow, I know that you like him but that is normal, but you will find out later when the time is right, I don't mind that you like him even though you cover it up good." She say which she does not know that she is saying this out loud

I cover my face embarrassed that she was saying this and how she knew that I liked him."Trish........Trish.....Trisha would you SHUT-UP."that snapped her out of her rant and look at me and smile, which it was not funny like she just put it out their and that he probably will just reject me now because I am not perfect enough to go with someone like him.

I look at him and he has a blank expression on and this just make me cry because for some reason it hurts to think about him rejecting me. So what I do to not get rejected is run, but funny thing is I might be shy but I dont run from my problems,but I am today.

As i am running I think about just random things to not have to think about it. Next thing is I feel someone arms wrap around my waist and stops me,and pulls my to them,but what scares me is the shocks i feel but it is not hurting me but feels good. I start to struggle but their grip tightens more and it starts to hurt.

"Ow , it hurts let me go" I say struggling more and they let me go some but not all the way.

"Cassie stop struggling he won't hurt you" this makes me stop and look at her, I start to cry more, and then what she say next make me confused"


Soooooo hope you liked it. Dedicated to:

The first to comment and like will be dedicated to the next chapter.

I wonder what will happen next?

Question of the chapters: what is your favorite Disney movie?

My answer: Starstruck

Would love to hear your favorite move so just pm me or comment on it.




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