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(Cassie)  POV (Debby Ryan)

"RINGGGGGG" the sound of my stupid alarm went off. Time to get up but at least I have some thing to get up for. "Happy birthday" me. But it really is not because I have to spend my birthday with people I don't know,for my senior year and in the middle of the year almost the end.( yes I know it suck but...have to get over it)

I got up and went into the bathroom and did my regular routine

1) get in the shower

2) Get out then do my make-up which consist of mascara, eyeliner, carmax (lip gloss or chap stick)always go for the natural look. I would say that I am average looking and not over do my part like some other people.

3) fix hair ( went with hair down today)

4) put clothes on.(just imagine what she wore)

Oh I forgot something, let me tell you some things about my self.

Name: cassie colman(dad last name)

Age: 17 as of today (yaaa)


Height:5 ft, 7 in

Hair color: dark brown and red hair(natural hair colors) that went a little up from the middle of my back,but I cut it to the top of my shoulders(it will grow back)

Eye color: Brown eyes with color Specs in them.

Favorite colors: Blue and Orange

  I have a curvy figure but don't flaunt it like most girls. I have two best friends Ashley and Keith.who lives back in New York where I move from. I now live in Arizona with my mom and sisters. My dad died.

Sisters: carlie,and Carter batters who are 16, they are twins.(demi lovato)

Mom: Samantha batters she is 40(not really old) she had me when she was 23 and my sister's when she was 24. And she still looks good.

     ~~~~~~skip till school~~~~~~

I pull up at Window Hall Academy, pull up to a spot close to the front.I get out of my dark blue charger that I got last year for my 16 birthday. Everyone kept staring at me and I am somewhat shy so I try to not get noticed. I get to the office after some time and get my schedule. I have


P1-Ap English


P3-Ap Math




P7-Ap Geography

P8- study Hall

The only classes I like is Ap English, and Ap Math. Call me a nerd,geek whatever I am just smart.My two best friends Ashley  and Keith were the first to greet me with a "happy birthday"from New York. We have been friends since third grade I really miss them.

      ~~~~~~skip somemore time sorry~~~~~~

I am now at break outside by my car,and everywhere I went I felt as if someone was watching me.It made me uncomfortable.

Like right now it feels as if someone is watching me,I start to look around and I don't see anyone.'maybe I am just paranoid,at being at a new school I thought to myself.then I go in for lunch.

   ~~~~~~~Skip to end of the day~~~~~~~

As I was walking to my car I felt a tap on my shoulder and I jump and squeal a little.I turn around and see a beautiful brunnet blonde,I smile at her.

"Hi i am Trisha, but you can call me Trish, or T whatever you would like"

"Hi" I reply

"Your cassie right"

I nod my head as a yes."Do you want to be friends with me"

"Sure" I said willingly because she was the first person to come talk to me and not flirt with me, even girls. She seemed nice and fun to be around. After that we talk some more and she gives me her number and a hug then she leaves. I make my way home and turn the radio on and one of my favorite song comes on by cher Lloyd and Becky G-Oath (at top) I start to sing. This made me think of my best friends in New York and I just want to cry I miss them.

I get home and say hi to everyone and then go to my room and do my home work.

My mind goes back to all day when I felt someone was watching me and think if I was just paranoid or someone was actually watching  me.

Little did I know was that we had moved to a town full of werewolves. And it was going to change my whole life.


Author note:

Hi this is my first chapter hope that you like this one. I will be dedicating my poeple and shout outs if you would like just PM me and I will do it. Thanks for reading my story.

Question of the chapter:what is your favorite animals?

My Answer:rabbit, dogs and cats.

I don't know when I will update but I will try to update as frequent as possible. Just don't lose faith in me.

I will also accept any song that you might think I would like or want to put in my authors note.

i Dedicated this chapter to gattleya123 for being the first person to like my thank you.




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