Part one

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Authors Note*

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic/short story so please let me know what you think about it and where I can improve! I'm planning on releasing a few short stories along with a full one so buckle up for more Fairy Tail!


Next part will be up tomorrow then there's one more after that, happy reading!


                                                                                 Part One

Natsu and Happy stare unblinking at the sprawling board before them, surveying the massive amount of flyers hung on it. "Wow, we sure are busy these days" Natsu remarks, slightly awestruck at the sight. He scratches the back of his head dumbly, unsure of where he should start looking.

His small blue companion spots a large bolded number and swiftly flies towards it. "Look Natsu! The reward is 200,000 Jewels!" Happy shouts with glee as he returns to Natsu's side, not bothering to look at the fearsome picture donning the paper.

"This is definitely enough to cover Lucy's rent" Natsu replies appreciatively "Let's go show it to her".

"Aye" Happy agrees happily. The two of them make their way across the lively guild hall to get to Lucy who sits alone at the bar. Barely managing to make it through without getting in a fight, Natsu slumps into the chair next to Lucy and Happy sits on the counter in front of the blonde. "Look at this Lucy! You might actually be able to pay your rent on time" Happy exclaims with a mischievous giggle and a smirk at Natsu. Natsu laughs with him and Lucy offers a small smile before returning to her drink.

Natsu notices her glum behavior, unsure of what's causing it "C'mon, Happy was only joking" he says, nudging her arm. This seems to shake Lucy out of her stupor and she takes the job listing from Happy and reads it.

"Monster on the loose, needs to be caught by-" She stops reading as she notices the date. "What! This says the monster needs to be captured by tomorrow! There's no way we can do it in time" Lucy claims as she slides the flier over to Natsu.

He replies without looking at it "We're the best team in Fairy Tail! We could catch that sucker in 30 minutes flat" he boasts while punching his hand with his fist. Happy shouts his agreement and takes the flier from Natsu.

Lucy takes a long sip of her drink and shifts her body away from Natsu slightly and twirls her hair. "I don't know about this guys" she says hesitantly "I'm kind of tied up tomorrow" she admits with a wince.

Natsu and Happy jerk back in shock, once again unaware of Lucy's melancholy air. "Don't tell me you have another date with glasses?" Happy replies in indignation, shooting another smirk in Natsu's direction.

"We're a lot more fun than that loser" Natsu adds "Besides, you need the money don't cha?" he asks. Lucy stands abruptly and grabs her jacket, causing Natsu and Happy to exchange worried glances.

"Sorry guys, you'll just have to go without me" Lucy says as she walks out of the guild hall, leaving an annoyed Natsu and Happy in her wake.

"Jeez, what's her problem?" Natsu asks as he rests his chin on his hand.

"Maybe she's hungry?" Happy answers as he takes a fish out of his bag and starts eating it.

Mira Jane walks by and grabs Lucy's abandoned glass and looks towards the doors to exit the guild hall. "Lucy seemed like she was in a bit of a mood, didn't she?" Mira asks as she cleans the glass with a rag. "I hope everything is alright".

Natsu thinks about this for a moment as Happy answers around a mouthful of his lunch, "She's ok, she just wanted a fish or something."

Mira chuckles, "I'm not sure if that's the case, we'll just have to ask her tomorrow".

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