Part 2

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Authors Note*

Hello again! Here is part two, I hope you like it! The last part will be up tomorrow and it's a short one. I'm working on my next short story so be on the lookout!

Thanks for reading!


                                                                                 Part Two

Natsu and Happy sit at the guild hall impatiently as they wait for Lucy to show up. The latter reassures Natsu that nothing is wrong as he laughs at Natsu's concerned expression.

"I don't know Happy, I think we should go to her apartment just in case" Natsu says as he swirls the straw in his drink. He turns to Happy and tilts his head towards the door expectantly. The cat lets out an exasperated sigh and hops off the bar stool and leads the way, sure that nothing is amiss.

They make the trek to Lucy's apartment and don't bother knocking as they barge in, their friend noticeably absent. "What? Where did she go?" Natsu asks as he peers suspiciously under her bed. Happy flies into the bathroom, intending to scare Lucy by pulling back the shower curtain. It makes a loud hiss, but there is nothing behind it. He returns to the living room shaking his head.

Natsu sits on the couch with his eyes closed, inhaling deeply. Suddenly, he picks up a strange scent and follows his nose until he gets to the kitchen table and notices a flower petal on the counter. Happy picks up the petal and looks at Natsu "Maybe she really did have a date". Natsu shakes his head as he sees a calendar hanging on the wall, the day's date marked with a circle. Upon further inspection Natsu softly curses and runs his hands through his hair as he spins abruptly, startling Happy.

"How could we be so blind? We have to go" Natsu says, angry at himself.

"What is it Natsu? What did you find?" Happy asks, concerned at Natsu's expression.

"Look at the date, Happy. There's only one place she would be today and it's not on a date" he claims frustrated as he exits, leaving a confused cat in his wake. Happy flies over to the calendar and reads what's written on it. He gasps and quickly follows Natsu as he makes his way to the cemetery.

"Do you think she even wants us there?" Happy asks as he walks glumly at Natsu's side.

Natsu scoffs, "Of course she does. She just didn't know how to tell us" he claims as he continues his brisk pace. Happy looks down as he walks, feeling bad for his friend that he was making fun of.

He looks up at Natsu with tears in his eyes "Do you think she's mad at me for teasing her?" he asks with a quiver in his voice. Natsu finally stops and kneels down to Happy's level.

He places a hand on Happy's head "Of course not. You didn't realize it was the anniversary of her fathers death. I'm sure she knows that'' he says, comforting Happy.

Happy wipes his tears, unconvinced "What if she hates me?" he asks, working himself up further.

Natsu scoops him up and continues walking "C'mon Happy, you know Lucy. She would never hate you" he declares as Happy buries his face in Natsu's chest.

"You're right" Happy answers, his voice muffled by Natsu's shirt.

"That's the spirit" Natsu says as they reach the gates of the sprawling grave site "Now, let's go be there for Lucy".

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