
544 21 1

< So Sorry For Not Updating!!
I've been not only busy  but also out of ideas. Ty so much for all the support on this story, I appreciate it^^ >

Narutos Pov:

I threw A rock into the river, Crisscrossing my legs having A hand on the side of my face.

1 year..it's been A whole year without Sasuke.

My eye's shook A bit.

Sasuke got caught by the leaf and apparently, he's not in the leafs jail, From what I gathered, His in A hidden spot so I didn't find him and run off with him.

However ever since Sasuke came back, Prevy Sage died, Orochimaru was found dead, and The Akatsuki didn't come after me for some odd reason. however, I liked that quietness.

Though stupid ninjas have to follow me to make sure I don't go looking for Sasuke.

I sigh placing my hands behind me on the ground looking up.

Just then my stomach growled and I put A hand on my stomach looking downwards.

"I'm hungry. But the old man is out of town so I can't have stupid ramen! And I'm all out of ramen at home.." Muttered.

I sighed extremely loud but stood up and headed towards the village.

Sure I can sorta cook but I don't feel like it. I looked around the village getting stares and people pushing their children away from me.

...It's as if Sasuke never came back here.

I bit my tongue A bit but ignored everyone.

I heard yelling which made me confused so I walked over and saw another ninja fighting leaf ninja.


Crap! I should help! If not then-...

I paused and looked downwards A bit.

"What the hell?! You got in our damn way and made it worse!"

"We don't need help from some fox monster!"

"You're just an idiot!"


Even if..I did help..that's what they would say..why..do I even try anymore? Becoming hogake? It's impossible now that everyone hates you..

I put my hands in my pockets and just walked the other way not even bothing helping.

"..So..annoying" I mumbled.

"Naruto-kun?! Wait are you here to help the ninja?!" I hear.

I stopped and looked to see Sakura.

"Hm? What ninja?" I asked.

"The ninja who's trying to get their hands on A scroll! Knowing you, You should've already rushed in!" Sakura says.

"Oh, I have something to do." I say walking off which shocked Sakura.

..Maybe I should skip eating today..it's not gonna hurt anything.

I headed to my apartment and just laid on my bed looking at the roof as my stomach grows for food.

I closed my eyes hoping to sleep but instead ended up in the dumb foxes place.

"I'm hungry."

"Go find your own food for all I care" I say ignoring him and starting to walk out of this place


&quot;Toxic Lover&quot; [SasuNaru]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora