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Narutos Pov:

Finally! I'm finished cleaning.

*Knock* *Knock*


I quickly ran to my door and opened it, I saw my landlord.

He looked very annoyed.

"..Um welcome! You uh look nice." I say trying to make him not hate me any more than what he does.

The landlord walked in not caring and he looked around in my hallway.

I closed the door, I also figured he wouldn't take his shoes off so I just followed him out of my hallway and into the main area

He looked around, Checking everything, In truth, He wanted to find a reason to kick me out of this place.

I bite my lip a bit.

..S-stop panicking Naruto! You cleaned everything! Everything is ok and you'll be able to keep your home! Don't overthink things!

After checking the main area, He went to my bathroom to check everything and then walked back in here.

My landlord looked at me.

"It's clean enough for the new person to live in"

My eyes widen.

"W-wait..what?!" I asked.

"If I could, I would kick you out now but since your all good two shoes with lady hogake, I gotta give you 30 days to pack your shit and move out"

I honestly had no words for this

His really just gonna kick out a 16-year-old Just like..that!?

I moved my eyes down a bit.

..Naruto..you idiot..it's because he sees you as a monster..everyone does in the leaf..even if I saved everyone from dying.. why...should I even forgive them?

I tightened my hands into a fist.

"As I said, You got 30 days to get out, Anything left behind stays here, no ands if or buts about it"

The landlord walked right past me.

"..I should've kicked you out sooner, You monster."

My eyes shook and I bit my lip.

I heard him walking into my hallway, Seeming proud of himself.

Then I heard the door slam shut.


..I-im..losing..my house?! but...It's not my fault! I mean...I told Granny to use my monthly pay for my rent but she.. gambled it all away..

I bite my teeth together.

"Why so sad? I can buy you a better house" I heard.

I quickly looked over and saw Sasuke against my wall near the window.

I moved my eyes away.


..Why is Sasuke here? I didn't even notice...

I felt arms around me


My eyes widen to see Sasuke hugging me.

"Come on, Why don't you come and check the place out?" Sasuke asks.

"..B-but..wouldn't you get caught by the leaf?" I asked.

"They won't see us, I promise, It's.. an abandoned house, I re-modeled the inside of course so no one can find us" Sasuke says.

"Sure!" I say.

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