You Smell Nice

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Chapter 37 - You Smell Nice

I wake up to the sound of the door opening and find myself on the couch with my head resting on Calian's shoulder. I quickly sit up and shuffle away from him before turning to see Dad entering the house. He glances at me then tells Calian to go home. Calian immediately apologizes and says goodbye to us before hurrying from the house. Coward. I get to my feet and go to head to my room but Dad stops me.

"You're not running away, young lady. We're going to sit and talk about this."

"You weren't interested in what I had to say earlier." I retort as I turn to face him.

"You deliberately disobeyed me, Ember. I told you not to come and instead you let that boy drag you there."

"It's not his fault. I asked him to help me gain access to Thatch's interrogation. I have a right to see how it ends. He's the one who took me away, I have the right to see what happens to him so I can feel some semblance of peace.... Some way for the nightmares to stop so I can finally sleep Dad!" I take a calming breath and lower my voice. "Up until I dozed off on the couch just now, I haven't slept since the night before the raid. All I can see when I close my eyes is Thatch escaping and coming after me for betraying them. I want to know that he's going to be secured somewhere for a long time, far away from me. Somewhere he can't get to me anymore. I just needed to see, to know for a fact what was going to happen."

"I could have told you what happened."

"And no offense, you could have lied to me to make me feel better or something. I wanted to know for myself. I don't know how he knew I was there, I just wanted to watch then go home..."

"His interrogation is over and things have been settled. We never got much information from him, especially after you left, but the only thing we've been able to pin on him directly is your abduction. He'll avoid execution so long as we don't discover anything else to charge him with."

"So what's going to happen to him?"

"He's being imprisoned in the depths of one of the high security forts for at least fifteen years. If anything changes it can be longer. You're safe now though, I won't let him or anyone else get to you, okay? You're my kiddo and I love you dearly. I'm sorry I let him get to you before. I thought I could handle it and keep you safe." He sighs and tries to run his fingers through his hair but the cast on his fractured wrist interferes.

"I love you too Dad and you did perfectly. No one could have really anticipated me being snatched away like that. Now, what are you hiding from me about the castle? I know your meeting the other night wasn't just about the proceedings."

"I-I may or may not have been persuaded into taking on a job under Prince Zen again."

"So you're a castle lackey again? That's adorable."

"Shut it. Now I can keep a better eye on you and that little punk that keeps getting too close."

"Trust me, he's not getting anywhere. Now, go to bed Lackey, you need to rest up for work."


"I'm not hungry, but make sure to eat if you are. I'm going to try to rest."

"Sleep well Kiddo."

"You too Dad."

I can't sleep, yet again, so after over an hour of tossing and turning, I get to my feet and pull on Mom's sweater. I leave a note on my pillow in case Dad wakes up and checks on me, then sneak out through the window. I'll take a stroll to the pond and hang out with Mom, Uncle Torin, and Nemi. The storms are all gone now, leaving a coolness in the air as the full moon hangs overhead. Everything is quiet as I settle on the grass just away from the flowers themselves. I take a deep calming breath and stare up at the moon.


I sit up and reach for the dagger I'd tucked into my waistband but hesitate as I register the voice to be Calian's.

"What the Hell are you doing lurking in the dark?"

"I wanted to make sure you were alright. I know your Dad was still mad about us sneaking in for the interrogation. I figured you may be upset."

"I'm alright. Things were talked over. I just can't sleep again."

He sits on the grass beside me without permission and I sigh.

"Well, you slept fairly well until your father came home. I'm sorry it's been difficult. Ooh, perhaps I bring you enough peace that you get to sleep around me."

"You bring me anything but peace Calian."

"Come on admit it. It's good for my bet."

"All work and no play makes for a shitty life."

"But it's not work spending time with you and showing you that I care."

"I'll make it seem like work so you'll leave the bet alone."

"You agreed to it Ember."


"No take backs."

"Again, unfortunate."

I wake up to the warmth of sunlight touching my face and groan, turning to bury my face in my pillows. I can't believe I managed to sleep through the night, I don't even remember going back home. Last thing I remember I was talking to... Calian. My eyes spring open and I quickly find myself not at home in my bed like I'd thought. I'm still at the edge of the pond, my head resting on Calian's shoulder, his back leaned against the trunk of a tree.

"G'morning Ember."

"How long have I been asleep and how long have you been awake?"

"You fell asleep not long after I got here. I've been awake the whole time so I could make sure you were safe. You fell asleep on my arm and I didn't want to interrupt your sleep so I stayed here. I didn't want you to wake up if I tried to move you back to your house."

"Thank you... It was stupid, but still thank you." 

In Your Footsteps *Book 2- Thrill of the Hunt* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now