Good Job Grandma, You Broke Your Hip

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Chapter 23 - Good Job Grandma, You Broke Your Hip

    I break through the treeline by the pond and a small smile crosses my face. I made it out of The Death Market with the help of the little girl who told me her name was Iladriel but I wasn't allowed to steal her name. I kept expecting for Thatch to suddenly reappear but the whole way back I was alone. I'm secretly thankful because I think if he had appeared, I would have lost the mental willpower to go home to Dad and stayed with him. I should hate Thatch for taking me away. I should hate him for everything, but I can't. I care about him whether I like it or not, he's stuck in my head. I feel horribly guilty for leaving the way I did but it's the safest. I kept considering going back and just apologizing for getting lost in the crowd, but the thought of going back home to my cottage and my bed and my dad was just too great. I had my adventures and now I'm ready to hide and relax.

    Tears fill my eyes when the cottage comes into view. I'm home, but we're not safe, are we? Once Thatch realizes I'm no longer in The Death Market, he's going to come here to find me... That's something I'll have to talk to Dad about, though I'm sure his cockiness is going to tell me that he could fight off anything that came at us. I think he could definitely hold his own, but even with his skills and what I know now from the past year, we couldn't hold out against the whole Pack.

"Where do you think you're going, Little Bunny?" A voice whispers in my ear as I start to take a step forward.

A chill runs down my spine and my breath catches in my throat. "Thatch..." I choke out.

"You thought you could lose me in The Market, didn't you?"

"I-I got separated." I lie as I turn to face him. "I didn't know what to do and you said yourself it was dangerous so-"

"-So you fled The Death Market with help from the little tattooed girl and returned to your childhood home to live happily ever after with dear old Dad? I don't buy it Ember." My eyes meet his heated glare and that fear I originally had when it came to him returns.

"Please, Thatch. I want to go back home to my dad, but I don't want to lose you as well. Can we just act as if something happened to me and we just keep seeing each other in secret?" I ask, my mind circling on ways to make things work out, but nothing seems plausible. Beyond keeping him placated so I don't die, I still do care about him. "I know your mom won't let me just walk out of The Pack and my dad would never approve of you, but we could still work and get what we want."

His answer is a dark chuckle. "Be realistic Ember. Your dad didn't want you. Do you remember not long ago he was going to kill you because you came out here? If you come to your senses and come home with me, we can forget this silly little wild streak of yours never happened alright?"

"I... I can't." I whisper and the slight grip he'd had on my shoulder instantly turns painful.

"Excuse me?"

"I can't go with you Thatch! I want to go home. I didn't want to come to The Pack to begin with. You literally abducted me on my way home from the diner. I'm trying to find a way for us to get what we want. You'll still have me and I'll be happy at home. I miss my family, Thatch. You have your mother and The Pack as your family. I appreciate all of you but I have my Dad and the pond for my family. We could make it work, I promise."

"You know what, Ember?" He grinds out through his clenched jaw. "I'll be nice, just this once. Go running home to Daddy Dearest and I'll say you died at The Death Market, but we're going to play a game Darling."

"What do you mean?" I ask, subconsciously taking a step back from him.

"Well obviously they'll find out it's a lie and Doe will demand your return. She'll send me after you and the rest of us after your father. You have three days starting now to do what you will. You better not let me find you. If I find you, you're mine. Forever."

"I-" I start but he cuts me off with a kiss.

"Let the games begin, Bunny."

I blink and Thatch is gone.

    I curse under my breath as I enter the cottage and get immediately smothered in Dad's hug. I hug him tightly in turn but Thatch's words overtake my happiness. I pull away and ask if he minds if I clean myself up before we talk. He nods and asks what I want for dinner so he can cook while I'm bathing. I think for a moment before remembering the noodle dish he used to make with a tomato based sauce. I loved that meal.

    Once I'm clean and my hair is braided back from my face, I dress in a pair of loose fitting black pants and a white undershirt. Dad's in the kitchen plating our meal so I grab drinks and bring them over to the table. It doesn't look like anything has changed since I was gone it's still meticulously clean from a nervous habit my father had ever since I can remember. We settle in and I thank him for the food. Ever since I've walked in the door I've felt the urge to cry and apologize over and over again. In the beginning, I didn't want to be with The Pack, it was Thatch who stole me away, but it changed over time. I wanted to be there, I had fun. I betrayed my father, my family. I caused him pain and worry. Now that I'm here, the pain and worry won't stop.

"Dad, we need to talk about something..." I start as I put my fork down. "We won't be safe here, is there somewhere else we can go for a while?"

"I'll protect us Ember, don't worry."

"I was approached on my way to The Death Market. I thought I'd lost them during some chaos in The Market but they found me. I was given three days to disappear or they'll all come after us. I love and trust you Dad, but there's no way the two of us could handle The Pack all at once."

"As cocky as I'd like to be... I don't want to have you in harm's way. I have an idea, but I definitely don't like it."

"What is it?"

"You'll find out." He whines. "We'll head out in the morning..."

In Your Footsteps *Book 2- Thrill of the Hunt* (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now