"Get her somewhere safe." I say, handing Nymeria off to Halsin.

"No." Nymeria cries out, but allows Halsin to pull her away.

I pull my dagger from it's sheath, watching as a bolt of lightning crashes into the werewolf's shoulder sending him back. Karlach pulls free and readies another strike that he bats away like nothing, his movements beginning to grow more sluggish. I watch as his body contorts from the effort, struggling to right itself and see my opening. I rush forward, strafing and positioning myself behind the werewolf before burying my dagger deep into his back.

He growls and thrashes, throwing me back against the tent. It's then that I hear an arrow sing through the air hitting it's mark with a dull thud and the werewolf slumps to the ground, shifting back into his human form.

When I look up, Yvira is staring at me, lowering her bow. I maintain eye contact as I lean down and pull my dagger from his back, cleaning it on his tattered tunic before returning it to my side.

"Easy." Gale says softly, his hands on Nymeria's shoulders, steadying her. It should be me.

Halsin reaches forward, light green tendrils of magic drifting between his fingers as he gingerly places his hands on Nymeria's back.

I approach her, almost in a trance as I take in the deep gashes on her back, her shirt torn to pieces and soaked in blood. Pained sobs spill from her lips as the skin knits itself together and the marks fade completely. Her shoulders sag and she begins to regulate her breaths.

Nymeria turns to me, folding her arms across her chest as her shirt falls open across her back.

"He mentioned taking me to his master. Was he one of Cazador's?" She asks.

I look down at the corpse of the man, "I recognize the clothing. It's the same worn castoffs he gives to his spawn. I just never thought that he would keep dogs."

Yvira walks up to us, looking at the man then the fallen Gur woman, "Take care of the bodies" She calls out to one of the Gurs beside her. She looks back at me, "His name is Malvik. I knew his father. They both disappeared for a while and I thought nothing of it."

"It makes sense." I say, "Cazador has something of a vendetta against your people. That's why he ordered me to steal your children and not those in Baldur's Gate."

I look over as Nymeria huffs out a breath beside me, her eyes drift up to meet mine and she swallows. My heart sinks as I fear she is finally seeing me as the monster I believe myself to be, but instead of turning away she touches my arm. It's an oddly comforting gesture given the circumstances.

"I sent Gandrel to capture you and bring you to us so that we might find out what happened to our children. Then, I was going to destroy you." Yvira says, "But things changed. I have heard tales of your heroism. That you have broken the bond between you and your master. "

"Sort of. And I assure you any tales of heroism are greatly exaggerated." I say.

"I would believe you if I did not see it with my own eyes." Yvira says, "That's why you will go seek your old master and save our children. We don't stand a chance against his spawn and now werewolves, but you. Cazador would welcome you with open arms."

I shake my head, "Cazador is merciless. I assure you that your children are already dead."

"If you do find that to be true. I ask for his blood in return." Yvira stares me down. "Think of this as the first step in your redemption and your freedom."

I stand tall and reluctantly nod, she glowers at me for a moment and gestures to her people before walking away.

"That was pretty tense." Gale says. "I take it we aren't staying here tonight."

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