22) Chays Surroundings

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" Can we find my brother now?" Vegas asks, "Arm, take the Bianchis with you back to the mansion. Kinn will want to talk to Mr. Luois about his family's part in what happened tonight. The rest of us will see if we can find Macau," Kim said. " Nova, we can use your help at the computers if you're up to it," Chay says. "If not, that's okay to just rest with Benz." "I'll do what I can, Khun Chay," Chay doesn't know why, but hearing his friends call him Khun made him uneasy.

   " Nova. please call me Chay..' I said in a sad tone. And she nods, looking away. "Don't worry, Mon Amour, she will come around. She is a little shocked right now. Her twin almost died, and our mother tried to kill him. Our father got stabbed, and so did you again by our mother. She held a gun for the first time and aimed it at our mother... She was close to our mother. Give her some time, Okay?" I look at Ice and nod.

   "Let's get going," Vegas says, banging the side of the cars, " I haven't seen enough blood today," Vegas says. " Ice, will you be coming with us to the warehouse? Your leg is still injured. If Chay is going, so will I." Ice says, and we get in our car and head to the warehouse.

During the drive, Chay;

   " Chay, are you okay? How's your stab? " Tay asks. I take off the jacket. "Sorry about the jacket, darling, it was my favorite, don't kill me," I say. "It's okay. Thanks to the jacket, it looks like it wasn't too deep. We can always get you another." Tay says as he looks over the cut." I didn't feel it, so I wasn't too worried. I can still fight." I say.

   "Chay.." I hear Tay say, "Are you sure you want to be a part of all this?" Tay says shyly, "Darling, we already had this talk. Are you doubting me? " I say, " No, Not at all. You are doing great; I don't want you to work yourself too hard. You're good at this. I just..." He says, and I feel him tense up with Kim. " You just don't want me to go dark?" I finish for him, " None of us want you to go dark." Kim says. I stay quiet for a moment. I have been overdoing it, scaring myself even. I know I need to take all this slow. " I understand I have been scaring myself lately. I'll try and do better... Can you all help me?" I look at all three of my lovers, and they all look at me smiling.

   "Kim, pay attention to the road," I said, and he laughed. About 30 minutes later, we got to the spot. I see a few guys in black that I have never seen before. Kim approached them, and they all bowed. " Khun Kim," They say in unison. " It seems Tin has not told you how to respect me, right, " He pulls out his gun, pretending to look at it, " Khun Chay," They said and bowed in a shaky voice. Kim smiles. He tucks his gun back into his band. One of the men goes to Kim,

   " Khun Kim, let me take you to what we have set up." He says in a flirty voice, touching his arm and grabbing it like he is about to take him to the setup. Kim laughs a little maniacally, making this person look at him and pout. The other guards step back. I look at Tay and Ice, and we all surround this nobody guard. They were sizing him up.

   I put my arm around his shoulders, and Ice walked over to the other men. "Do you know why Kim commands everyone to respect me and is willing to kill anyone that doesn't?" I say in a chilly tone by their ear." he shakes off my arm. This random person then had the nerve to speak to me with attitude," Tin says to call you Khun Chay, so I did. It doesn't mean I have to follow your command." This person says, and Kim laughs again. Tay comes around with a knife in his hand. Tay drags it up his throat and stops at the base of his chin.

  " You see little. Mind if I call you, little? It doesn't matter if you do or don't. You see, Kim, that hot-ass looking guy that is your boss who only has eyes for me, Tay, who is this stunningly beautiful man here with a knife to your throat, who also only has eyes for me and maybe our other partner, Ice, he is that fine-ass man walking along your friends there who you guessed has eyes for only me and again maybe Tay." 

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