3) A Fresh Start And A Bold Chay

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Hello once again. This revision of my story is 3rd. It contains 9) A Step Into Their World, 10) A Little Taste, 11) A Brothers Love, and 12) Heads Space' Chay'. There's been stuff added here as well. Let's play a game with who ever can point out the new parts. They will get lots of hearts 💕

Tay, Hia, and I go over to the couches, to have a seat, and a guard comes and puts water on the table for us. I chose to sit next to Tay. Maybe I can sneak in a few glimpses at him.

We began discussing a schedule I would have for training. Hia and Tay work in the school days and hours, I will have to tell him I had missed the interview. With my petite frame, they decided it was best to perform to my advantage and stick to speed and agility and how to use some weapons. "Porsche later, may I suggest, if you allow it, I think it will be a good idea to train him as an assassin. You said you don't want him in the front line, but it could be okay. Even spying for Kinn would be a good idea". Tay says. It all sounded incredible to me. What kid hasn't dreamed about being a ninja? I know it's not a ninja, but it's close enough.

Pii thought about it for a minute. That would be pretty cool if he agreed, I thought to myself. I looked over to Pii Tay, and he seemed more excited than me about the possibility. "humm Chay, if you think you can take some intense training, with everything else you'll be doing, I will allow you to do the exercise, but just the that, and it won't be until later on, right now let's focus on self-defense and weapon handling." My hia says. I'm just excited that I get to do any of this.

"Kinn," Pii yells across the room to get his attention. "Yes, love." He says, " You think Kim can teach Chay when and if he wants to." Hia asks. Hearing Kim's name brought back last night's moment to me, and my heart started beating quickly. I was glad Pii was distracted and not looking in my direction. I don't doubt he wouldn't miss my reactions. I don't feel like answering the questions I know he would ask. I start poking Tay's face and moving my finger lightly down his neck, and I see it gives him chills, and I smile. He is sensitive to the touch, I noted.

Tay grabs my hand, taking it in his, making me stop and look in my direction, and I get lost in his eyes for a second. He nodded at me to see if I was okay, and I nodded back. Then he puts his hand on my thigh, rubs it in little circular motions, and moves it precisely when Pii looks back at us. "What do you say, Chay." It seemed Pii Tay knew something was wrong, and the thought made me smile to know he paid attention. "Chay, Chay, PORCHAY!! I hear Pii yelling, sounding annoyed. " Sorry, Pii, I spaced out." I said, "If you want to train, you must start paying more attention and stop spacing out. You have to take this seriously, or I won't let you," he said, then looked at Tay. "You sure you want to train someone like him? Always spacing out, he would be a good listener." He looked at me." Who wouldn't want to train such a sweet face," he said, pinching my face.

Pii rolls his eyes." You think you would like to work with Kim?" It took me off guard momentarily, so I took a deep breath and nodded. I'd have to see him eventually. I can't always hide." Okay. Be warned. Kim is very serious about who he trains and how he does it. Most men don't make it past the first week. The things he will teach you are brutal, harsh, and cruel." Hia tells me. "Porsche, I'll be there too, so I'll make sure he's not too hard on Chay. Your scaring tactics won't work on him." Pii Tay says he is right. It just makes me excited. A feeling I never thought I would feel about the things my hia said. But knowing Tay will be there relaxes me. At least I won't be alone with him. "Kinn, call your brother in for a few minutes so we can get the date set," Hai orders Kinn.

"Already set, love. He'll be here in five minutes," Kinn says, walking to my brother and putting his arms around him. "You're so sexy when you're in boss mode and trying to keep the people you love safe, love." He then starts kissing my brother on the neck. Pii closes his eyes, and I'm sure I heard noises from him. He turns around and starts making out with Kinn in front of Tay and me. It was gross to witness.

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