19) A little Whisky

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 Note: Be prepared cause not even I saw this coming, and I'm the writer. Heheheh.
<3 Your VampOfKnight

"Tin, what were you saying?" Kinn asks, " Can you tell me why you have these outdated phones?" Chay asked Tin. This time, Tin didn't hesitate like last time.

   " I knew we needed to find another way to communicate, so I sent one of our men to get these old phones. My thought was that whatever kind of equipment they used to fry our phones and earpieces was meant for today's technology.

   To test it, I went closer to the warehouse. It didn't fry right away. I thought it was promising, but when I called the other, it sparked and melted the phone." Tin says, " Which is why one looks like that, but the other is fine." Why couldn't he use a phone out of range?" asked Ice. " We don't want other people to wonder and guess what we are doing," Tay says. 

  "We didn't have the time to search for a better way. Khun Kim needed us to get information. Myself and four others went in blindly, and the other five waited for us to return. If we didn't return in 2 hours, they had orders to return without us. Luck was on my side, but 2 of us haven't returned." Tin said, and you could tell he was worried. " Who hasn't returned?" Kim asks, " Niran and Boon have not returned." Tin said

  "What information have you brought, or is it just about your men? If it is, you can leave and stop wasting our time," Vegas asked. Tin wasn't amused. " Did you find Macau?" Chay asked, " We have witnessed a prisoner, but we don't know if it is Macau." Tin said, "Why didn't you check then instead of coming back here with nothing but shit in your hands!?" Vegas says, hitting the table. " I thought you would want to know before we did anything," Tin says. "As you wasted time coming here, my brother could be dead already!" Vegas said, getting his jacket and starting for the door. 

  Vegas has lost his cool and shoved his way past everyone but before he walked out. " Yeah, go in blind where our equipment doesn't work. It's a sure way to get Macau shot on the spot. They definitely won't see you coming, charging in like a madman," Chay says. He walked up to Vegas. He put his hand on the door. 

  " I thought you cared for your brother. I guess not if you want to serve him on a plate. Go ahead," Chay lets go of the door, opening  for Vegas to go through, "What should I wear to his funeral?" Chay asks in an unnoticeable, dark, stern, and alluring tone. It makes everyone in the room quit. Vegas punches at Chay, but luckily, he dodges, infuriating Vegas. Tay and Kim rush up to Chay, but Chay puts up his hand, making them stop. 

  " Tell me, vegas, do you remember what kind of music Macau like? I'll send him off with his favorite song. You better remember because once Macau is dead, you won't be able to hear him sing along again. That's even if they let you get his body back. Maybe they will throw him in the sea or bury him in the forest where the wild bores can have a healthy meal," Chay said in that same tone. Vegas didn't hesitate to strike again, and Chay continued to dodge, getting a few hits to the face. Vegas was sloppy with his fighting. Too consumed with anger. 

  " How sad that his life ended because his brother got him killed. Yeah, vegas, you killed your brother, never to see him again. I hope it's fast, and he won't feel a thing. Gone, leaving the only family that he has left. All because of you. Dead by his brother, that would make a good headstone, won't that be sweet." Chay said with a wicked smile, and Nova cried in the background with Benz holding her. 

  Everyone is stunned. Then Vegas pulled out his gun and aimed it right at Chay. Ice slowly started to get closer to Chay as Kim pulled out his gun. "Kim, put it down, Ice, don't move any closer. Pay attention. Remember what I told you earlier in the catacombs? Look at Vegas. Look at his emotions. Chay knows how to use weak points. He did it to me yesterday morning. He doesn't use it badly, but it draws out one's true emotions. That is why I said he would enjoy torturing someone by playing mind games with them." Kim and Ice look at the altercation as Chay walks to the end of the pistol.

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