°Hunter Questions and Fighting Begins°

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Gon had a swollen cheek, no doubt caused by a heavy punch. Nahida glanced at Hisoka with a frown, but the clown kept his eyes on Wanderer. He had been doing that a lot for some reason.

Whenever Wanderer was frowning, it was usually because of Hisokas piercing gaze. There was only one possible reason for it. Nahida leaned closer to Wanderer.

"Hisoka seems to... like you."

Wanderer 'ughed' at the possibility.

"Don't even joke like that..."

She chuckled at his reaction, she would have the same reaction as well. She pointed at their group of four, Wanderer huffed and walked over to them. Keeping his eyes closed as Nahida greeted them.

Gon smiled brightly when he saw them, but his aching cheek made his smile falter.

"Hat Guy! You and Nahida were first! That's so cool!"

Nahida pointed to the ground, making Wanderer set her down. She went to the kids, with Kilua being the first to speak, his grin wide.

"How did you get Hanzos badge?"

He wasn't expecting them to win agaisnt the ninja. Especially with Wanderer having to carry Nahida around like dead weight.

"Well, it was purely luck."

Hanzo grumbled as he eavesdropped, agreeing with her even if he had lost fair and square...

Wanderer frowned at the persistent gaze following him.

"Are you alright?"

Kurapika blinked at seeing Wanderer glance at him.

"I'm fine."

He wasn't one to force a conversation, but that damn clown... Wanderer frowned and increased the grip on his forearms.

"Just have a not so secret admirer..."

Kurapika immediately turned back to who it was. The blond also frowned before turning back, like he hadn't looked at the devil straight in the face.

"... Well, at least... No, I'm sorry..."

Now he's being pitied!? Wanderer turned to him with a scowl, but it quickly faded. Yeah, he is pitiful, having that clowns interest wasn't anything good...

Kurapika saw his quick change, and couldn't help himself from chuckling.

"Still, Hisoka isn't the type to court someone that wants worth it."

Wanderer rolled his eyes.

"You know him so well."

Kurapika smiled at his implication.

"Yes, I've studied him. Had to if I wanted to survive."

"How sad, just call him crazy and be done with it."

"If I did that, I wouldn't understand him enough to talk my way out of a confrontation. Which, actually happened during this phase."

Wanderer immediately turned his head to Kurapika, watching the other narrow his eyes in mischief as he smiled.

"Wanna hear about it?"

"Every last detail."

Nahida turned back to Wanderer, seeing him close to Kurapika as they whispered. He had a hand on his chin while nodding along to implicate he was listening. Occasionally grinning as Kurapika chuckled.

Just what were they gossiping about? Gon and Killua followed her gaze. Killua hummed, hands behind his head as he observed them.

Sadly, the same hot air balloon Netero had used to bring them towards Trick tower, arrived at that moment. Cutting the gossiping moment as everyone boarded in.

Nahida And Wanderer In HXHWhere stories live. Discover now