“Because it’s kind of weird.”

   “Weird?” he asked. “Do you listen to whales or aliens or something like that?” We both burst into laughter as I shook my head no. “Well then it can’t be that weird. I promise that I will not laugh or make fun of you.” I actually felt like I could trust him, so I opened up to him.

   “Okay, well I like All Time Low, Justin Bieber, Mayday Parade, Metro Station, The Maine, Lil Wayne, Escape The Fate, Drake, Bring Me The Horizon, Jason Derulo, Jonas Brothers, Taylor Swift, Asking Alexandria...and the list is a lot longer.”

   He looked surprised, but he didn’t look as if he wanted to laugh.

   “Okay, that is weird,” he said. “But not for the same reason that you think. It’s weird because I never thought that I’d ever meet anyone who likes all the same artists as me. Especially with all the variety. That’s just freaky, but also really cool.” Now it was my turn to be surprised. I had never met anyone who liked all of those artists either. In my opinion, he was now officially amazing.

   “Really?” I asked. “That is weird.”

   He just laughed, “It sure is.”

   “Do you like video games?” I asked.

   “I love them, what about you?”

   “Same here, I love Skate 3.”

   “No way! Me too! And NBA”

   “Me too! And NHL!”

   “Snap!” we both laughed.

   “This is way freaky,” I commented.

   “The freakiest,” he added. “I know I only just met you, but you’re the best neighbour that I ever had.”

   “I was thinking the exact same thing about you.” It was true. “Our old neighbours had an obsession with dolls which was quite frankly, one of the scariest things that I have ever come across. Their eyes would follow you around the room. And honestly, I’ve been scarred for life; I don’t think I’ll ever get over it.”

   “Ugh, that is scary. I would hate that.”

   “And the lady before looked as if she had just stepped out of Halloweentown.”

   “Love that film!”

   “Me too!”

   “High five!” he held up his hand and we high fived. I was beginning to get really comfortable around him. I don’t think that I have ever warmed up to anyone as quickly as I did with Casey. I mean as soon as we started talking, we clicked just like that. We also have so much in common. You know that feeling in your stomach when you just know that you’re going to be good friends with someone? I had that.

   We had been talking for a while, I’m not sure how long, but I was having a great time. Just as we were both laughing at Casey’s impression of Hayley Williams, Sharon walked in.

   “Awh, I’m so glad to see that you’re both getting along so well,” she smiled. “But it’s getting late and Skye, your mom is leaving now and wants to know if you are ready.”

   “Oh, okay,” I got up to leave. “It was nice meeting you.”

   “It was nice meeting you too,” beamed Casey, as his mom walked back downstairs. “I hope that I will see you again soon.”

   I couldn’t help but laugh, “I only love next door, so I’m pretty sure that I’ll see you.”

   “But next door’s so far, I may not see you for an hour,” he joked and I couldn’t help but laugh. We walked downstairs and we all said goodbye to each other.

   Sharon hugged and kissed my cheek. “I’m so glad that you two are getting along so well. Skye, you are welcome here anytime, just come right over, and you too Michael. And Jane, I’m always here if you need anything.”

   “Thank you very much,” my brother and I replied politely.

   “If you need anything either, you know where I am. It was lovely to meet you all, especially you Casey. You are welcome at our house anytime. Skye will be there nearly all the time and it would do her good to have a new friend around, especially in the summer.”

   “Thank you very much,” Casey replied, like my brother and myself.

   We all called goodbye as my mom walked out of their door, closely followed by me and Michael. Casey waved at me and I waved back, before stepping into my house.

   “Mom, I’m tired I’m going to bed,” I announced. I said goodnight to my mom and Michael before I went upstairs to change into my pyjamas.

   I was laying on my bed reading, when Michael walked in and sat down beside me.

   “Hey Skye. Sooooo...what did the you think of the new neighbours?”

   “They were pretty cool. Did you like them?”

   “Yep, they’re much better than any other neighbours that we’ve had. They beat the creepy doll lady hands down. And anyway I thought that you said only a man and a lady were moving in.”

   “I only saw Sharon and Matthew earlier, Casey was nowhere in sight. How was I supposed to know?”

   “You weren’t. It’s just that I’d of thought that you’d spot a guy miles off,” he nudged me playfully.

   “And what exactly do you mean by that?” I asked.

   “What I mean by that is that you think he’s cute.”

   “Urm, sorry Michael? But I never recall saying that Casey is cute.”

   “Ha, you just did,” he tricked me. “Admit it, you think he’s cute.”

   I gave in, it was only my brother after all. “Okay, okay, Michael you win. I do think that Casey is rather ‘cute’. But that’s all, it’s not like I have a huge crush on him or anything. I knew that if I didn’t state that then he would somehow make it seem and/or look like I have a major crush on Casey, whether it be with words or actions.

   “Sureee you don’t,” he stretched out his words dramatically.

   “I really don’t have a crush on him.”

   “Maybe not yet...But you think he’s crushable.”

   “Crushable?” I asked. “What on Earth are you on about?”

   “You think he’s a fitty in the city.” I couldn’t believe that he had just said that. I picked up my pillow and threw it at him. I smiled content when it hit him right in the face.

   “Hey, what was that for?” he pulled a puppy dog face.

   “To shut you up. Besides I’m going to sleep, so goodnight.” I got under my duvet. “Please can I have my pillow?” He retrieved my pillow and put it under my head for me. Then he lightly kissed my head like he did every night.

   “Goodnight,” he said. “Sweet dreams of skipping around Candy land.” I laughed at the thought of it. “With Casey.” I glared at him. “Love you,” he laughed at my clearly annoyed expression.

   “I love you too,” I mumbled. And it was true; no matter how much he teased me, he would always be my brother and I would always love him. Funnily enough, that night i didn’t dream of Casey. Ha! In your face Michael.                      

So There's A New Boy Next Door...Did I Mention He's Rather Cute?Where stories live. Discover now