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As Nomad stepped into the establishment, he couldn't help but notice the small elf who sat behind a desk with a relatively basic computer in front of them. "Hey, is this a... Um... Brothel?"

The elf stood up from their chair a somewhat disgruntled look on their face, "Yes this is a brothel what does it look like you-" They stopped for a moment before realizing they were looking at Nomad's chest, looking up some more to see that he was infact a human. Human brothels weren't exactly the most popular but considering that they had genuine benefits for some monsters, they weren't looked down upon as much.

"Oh, you're a... Human... We haven't um... Had many.. human customers. Actually, I don't think we've had any at all, ever. Huh, anyway what exactly brings you to this fine establishment?" Nomad looked around, listening to the music within the brothel before looking back towards the elf.

"Well... Do I really need to say why I'm here?" The elf giggled and shook their head, "No, I'll see who's available for you. Do you have any preferences?" Nomad shook his head as he looked at the architecture of the interior. It was definitely dark with lots of pinks, purples, and other dark colors. The corners and doorways had a Greek look about them, marble pillars and such lining them. It looked pretty cool to Nomad at least.

The elf looked up the human, a somewhat worried look on their face, "The only worker we have available at the moment is Torque, and he's not exactly the most... Appreciative of humans, if you catch what I mean. And he's a minotaur." Nomad shrugged as he stuffed his hands into his pockets, "It's fine. I've always been a brat tamer." He spoke with a light-hearted tone, but he was starting to use his more dominant voice.

The elf got up and led him to Torque's room, holding open the door for him as they both stepped inside. "Torque?", They said somewhat worried, "What do you want elf?" "You're the only worker open and we have a client." "Your point?" "It's a human." The minotaur growled to himself for a moment before finally being bothered to step into the light. "Well I hope it can handle me..."

Nomad took off his coat and stepped into the light as well, looking up at the minotaur. "No, I hope you can handle me big guy. I've been told I can be quite a handful. Well, a lot more than two handfuls actually, if you catch my drift."

He said with some fervour. "Is that a challenge human?" Nomad smirked for a second before tossing his jacket to the side, it landing on a chair.
"I guess it is, why don't you bend over and we can get started big guy." The minotaur laughed and stepped closer, "Fine then human, I'll bite. You get close to pleasing me, or I submit to you, I'll bow down to you, deal?"

Nomad nodded before looking back at the elf who had been watching this ordeal happen. "Are you gonna watch or what?" They didn't expect this human to be the one to convince Torque to take him a client, let alone be a bottom, something that no one had convinced the minotaur to ever do. The elf simply shook their head and walked away, letting the door close behind them. Nomad looked back at the minotaur before taking off his shirt and tossing it to his jacket.

"So big guy, you ever been on the... Receiving end?" He shook his head before the human spoke again. "You ever had sex with a human in general?" The minotaur sighed before answering, feeling like these questions were all mute and pointless. "No, but other human derived monsters, yes." Nomad nodded before starting to slide out of his pants and boxers. "Well, then just bend yourself over when you're ready."

The minotaur promptly did so before taking the time to look at Nomad's dick, which was a detriment on his part. "Just get it over with so I can prove my point." Nomad finally slid out of his pants, tossing them to where the rest of his clothes were.

To say that his dick was big would be an understatement. In Nomad's case, third leg would be more accurate. But considering that he was about to fuck a minotaur, it was actually a chance to use his entire length for once. "Just put it in already human."

Nomad happily obligated the minotaur, which caught Torque off guard quite easily as he started moving his hips, slowly picking up the pace as the male minotaur's cock grew harder with each thrust. "Ngh... You're... Better than I thought... Human.", Torque said in an aggravated growl. Nomad began increasing his pace, the loud, rapid clapping noise filling the room before the minotaur's moans began to catch up.

Nomad took a moment to gloat about his dominance over such a creature, "Huh, is that just me or are you enjoying this?" The minotaur only continued to moan until a few minutes later, when he suddenly finished, blowing his load of minotaur cum onto the floor.

Nomad took a moment but he eventually started to pull out of Torque before he suddenly grabbed the human's hips, pulling him back in, "No, k-keep going. I want you to fill me." Nomad resisted before putting his hands on his hips. "Only if you say that you submit and call me master." He said rather stoicly.

The minotaur nodded as his cock grew harder again, "Yes, master... Fuck me again, I want you to fill me." Nomad slammed his full length into the minotaur, before going as fast as he could, his large balls repeatedly slapping against the minotaur's ass. "What a good submissive minotaur for your human master." He said, knowing he had full control over him by this point.

Nomad didn't realize it but he was going at speeds that an average human wouldn't normally be able to go, practically pulverizing the minotaur's insides with an intoxicating mix of pleasure and pain, coursing through Torque. "Y-Yes... Fuck... Harder master, fuck me harder!" Nomad felt himself getting closer to the edge with each rapid thrust, the minotaur starting to feel the same way, huffing as both of their cocks started leaking a thick precum.

As Nomad went over the edge he grabbed the minotaur's mane, pulling on it as he slammed the full length of his cock into him one last time, the both of them blowing their loads at the same time, Torque painting the floor with his minotaur cum and Nomad filling the monster's insides with his seed. They sat there for a moment before he looked towards the door to see the elf, holding it open, pretty much speechless. "What do you want?"

The human pulled out as Torque fell to the floor, landing in the puddle of his own cum that lied below him. The elf looked down at Torque before looking back up at Nomad. "U-um... The uh... Boss wants to speak with you." "Your boss? Like, the owner?" The elf nodded before looking back down at Torque.

The minotaur was the most dominant monster in the brothel and Nomad got him to submit to easily. What kind of power did this human possess? "Well, let me get cleaned up then." The elf gulped and nodded before leaving him to his business, waiting outside the room. Nomad then turned back to Torque who was still lying on the cum covered floor.

"Did you enjoy yourself big guy?" Torque simply nodded before rolling over, "Yeah, I... Never thought that I would be pleased like this, much less by a human." Nomad laughed before sitting down for a moment. What neither of them knew was how long the elf had been watching in awe, holding the door open, unintentionally allowing the entire brothel to hear them echo through the halls.

"Well, apparently your boss needs to see me." The minotaur laughed before trying to push himself up and onto his sore ass. "Well, good luck human." He said ominously. Nomad proceeded to clean the juices off of his cock before it would get difficult to remove later, putting back on his clothes, not knowing that there were gonna get removed again soon. He stepped out of the room to see the elf again, who sighed and began leading Nomad to the boss's office.

"Okay, listen human, the boss has an interest in you, aaaannnd she may be looking to... Put you to work here." Nomad was caught off guard by being told such a statement but after giving it some thought, it seemed kinda fitting. Odd, but fitting. He was in need of a job after all. "O-oh, okay, that... works out I guess."

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