New in Town

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Nomad lied down in his new bed, his warm body underneath a messy, grey blanket. He started to roll around not wanting to get up, but for once he didn't have anything stopping him from going back to sleep, not a damned thing. But no matter what he did he couldn't seem to go back to sleep or stop this sudden burst of energy. "For fuck sake." The human threw his blanket off his body, revealing it to the cool open air. It felt nice to not have to worry about anything anymore. It felt like he was getting nothing but constant stares in that old town. Like he was a monster himself. Speaking of monsters, they announced their presence to humans not to long ago. Some humans were happy to discover new sentient life, others didn't like the fact that the society they knew was changing around them. But that's not what he cared about right now. He stood up and got out of bed, quickly stretching his large body. Nomad was a whopping 7,4 in height and had enough muscle to look like he could crush someone's spine with one hand.
He ran his hand through his short, silver blonde hair as he walked to the bathroom. The human left the door open behind him since no one else was in the apartment with him, washing his face before looking at himself in the mirror for a few long moments. Letting out a sigh, Nomad plopped himself back down in the bed, grabbing his phone and looking on the maps for anything nearby that might be fun to do, but something caught his eye, something about a brothel. "Huh, that seems interesting." he said before starting to scroll through his phone. Minutes later Nomad found himself getting dressed for a walk to that place. "Brothel... Huh..." He put on his clothes, primarily consisting of a pair of ribbed jeans and his jacket, putting some money into his pocket, and sliding his feet into his boots and tightening the strings. He stepped out and into the orange tinted light of the sun. "Well, who knows, might be on the cleaner side of things." He walked down the stairs and onto the rough blacktop of the parking lot, taking in the bland smell around him, stuffing his hands into his pockets and starting the walk there. It was gonna be a little bit. He's always had a good physique. Who was he kidding, he was able to stay in top shape without any trouble. Now that he thought about it he was always kinda like that without trying but never stopped to consider why, and he wasn't going to now. But still, this place is kinda close, so maybe he could work here if he wanted to. Men work in brothels, right? Gotta get as many customers as you can after all. He almost passed a general store before a thought occured to him to grab something. A quick smirk grew on his face as he stepped in, getting out some money and grabbing a small package of cinnamon graham crackers from the shelf, putting them on the counter. The small, old woman looked up at him with a smile on her face, her eyes looking enlarged from the glasses she wore on her face. "That will be a dollar." She said somewhat loudly. Nomad then put the dollar on the counter, sliding it to her with his index finger and his middle finger. "There you go, have a good day." He said, taking his crackers and leaving, waving to the small cat that sat on a stack of old newspapers. She simply yawned back and laid her head down as the human continued on his way, eating his crackers as he walked. It wasn't long before he stood in front of the bright neon of the red light district. He could hear the calm, but sultry music within the building, inviting him to come inside.

The Monster Brothel [Scrapped]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن