Can you shut up I swear you never stop talking. And yes I'm talking to my subconscious but who else am I supposed to talk to.

"Hey principessa I guess we have another early bird then" Romano says. (Princess)

If I'm being honest I completely forgot they were here.

I nod my head and continue my way further into the kitchen. In the corner of my eye I see them watching me. What is highly annoying.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me the whole day like a creep or are you going to get on with your life." I say coldly while turning my head to face them.

They look shocked to hear what I just said.
"Sorry we'll stop" Lorenzo says. And they turn away from looking at me.

Was we to harsh

Yes we were you little bitch

Hey don't call me a bitch. Anyway it doesn't matter they are the ones who left us there,  they deserve it, it's fine.

True, also what if they decide to send us back.

I shiver at the thought of going back to that hellhole. Would they really send me back.
They said there happy that I'm back so why would they send me away again.

I was put out of my thoughts when I heard Loud commotion coming from upstairs. I looked at my family confusion written on my face.

Lorenzo looked at me see my confusion he said "the rest of your brother are up" and rolled his eyes "happens everyday" he muttered under his breath.

The loud sounds where now coming from the stairs and were soon down the stairs.
Not gonna lie I'm the tiniest scared right now.

You are actually sacred you got to be
kidding me.

Hey I said tiniest so thats really not even scared so shut up.

Yeah but I'm not the one wh-

I pushed my thoughts away and focused on the scene in front of me. The sounds were now coming to the kitchen.

All of a sudden, Dante and Xander are pushed through the door while Leo and Marco were standing at the the door with smirks on there faces. Dante huffed and got up while Xander crossed his arms and whined about Marco pushing him and that shit.

The rest of the family looked in amusement at them and some of them laughed about Xander whining like a little kid.

What I can say is pretty funny to see.
"Good morning stella" Leo said with a bright smile on his face. (Star)

After he said that they snapped there heads towards me and Xander stopped whining with a really really big smile on his face. I'm not kidding it looks like someone stuffed a coat hanger in his mouth.

He jumped up and made his way towards me
"Hey bella!" (beautiful) and he hugged me.
I was tense at first but then relaxed and hugged him back.

I'm not mad at my brothers because they were young and definitely had no say if I left or not so I will be nice to them.
Well only if they are nice to me.

I pulled away and gave him the tiniest smile. I don't smile at people at lot so this shocked me even though it was a tiny smile still.
He's so sweet and energetic he is definitely my favourite brother.

I looked to my side to see Marco glaring at me and Dante looking at me softly with a small smile on his face and nodded his head as to say good morning what I gratefully returned.

And then looked at Marco who was still glaring at me and I just rolled my eyes.

Everyone made some breakfast, I made pancakes with nuttela and strawberries on them with apple juice at the side.

After a few minutes of everyone talking and eating the doors bursted open revealing Xavier
with a grumpy look on his face.

Yeah he is definitely not a morning person

He made his way to the table and took some food off Xander's plate. Xander huffed and slapped his hand away.

"You are so lucky you are my twin otherwise I would have made you regret that." Xander said in a threating voice and sending death glares to Xavier.

Hey what happened to happy Xander. Now I know not to mess with Xander and his food.

Romano cleared his throat making us look at him waiting for him to speak. "The twins, Dante and Marco you are going to take Iris shopping for whatever she needs."

"What no I'm not going with her!"

"I don't want to go!"

Can you guess who those words belong to.
Marco and Xavier both whine and huff about needing to take me shopping.

"That's enough, you are taking her shopping and thats it" Mr Sunshine shouted shutting them both up.

I just sat there this whole time looking back and forth to them arguing and now Alec shouting at them and no one has even looked my way, like are you serious.

Do I not get an opinion.

"If it make you feel better brothers I really don't want you to come either." I spoke out with and lot of venom on the word 'brothers' while looking at the two.

I saw a look of hurt flash through there eyes.
You got to be kidding!

"Go get changed and ready you'll leave soon" Romano said to us, we nodded our heads and left to go upstairs to get ready even though I'm already to go.

Castino's assassin Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora