Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Then the day of the first match of the year came.

Even in front of the other boys, I changed.

There wasn't a female changing room for the Slytherins, so I changed alongside all of them. I had the option to use the Gryffindor changing rooms if I wanted but I declined. I lived with Harry all my life. I was used to seeing him in all sorts of undress so seeing other boys wouldn't matter to me.

We had our names on the top of our lockers. We began to undress in silence, most of the boys had their backs to me as I took my top off. I was left in a sports bra before I tugged on the black, long-sleeved leotard. Then I pulled on the tight-fitting trousers before I belted it tightly enough to keep them up but not limit my movements. The boots were next before I pulled on my shirt, lined in black and green with my number on the back.


I had plenty of numbers to choose from but I liked that one the most. It was the most witchy out of all of them. Harry had 7 and now I had 13.

My robes were last before I tugged my fingerless gloves on and tied my hair up.

"Everyone ready?" Montague asked as he closed his locker. "It's your first match with us. How are you feeling, Potter? Stage fright?"


I was lying. I could feel my blood rushing in my ears and my heart was too fast.

I grabbed my broom from the side. I got my own broom a while ago, getting a Firebolt like Harry had. Mine was the same as his but held silver hardware and tinted slightly greener than the wood should have allowed.

Lee Jordan, the apparent spokesperson and announcer for the Hogwarts Quidditch Matches, began his introductions.

"Good morning, Hogwarts!" He called out, his voice being projected around the pitch as people cheered. "Welcome to the first match of the season! Today, we have Gryffindor versus Slytherin. What a wonderful beginning to the year. This year, we have the beauty, Angelina Johnson as Captain of Gryffindor Quidditch Team. She is also a Chaser alongside Katie Bell and Alicia Spinnet. The Beaters are our beloved mischievous twins, Fred and George Weasley, with their brother, Ron being the newest Keeper. Harry Potter is still their Seeker!"

Montague nodded, "That's our cue. Let's kick some ass."

We walked out of the tent as they began to announce our names.

"Captain Graham Montague is leading his team out to the pitch, followed closely by Beaters Crabbe and Goyle and Keeper Bletchley. Rounding out the back is Draco Malfoy the Seeker!" Jordan announced as they left the tent.

"You alright?" Cassius Warrington asked me.

"Just first match nerves,"

He clasped a hand onto my shoulder, "You'll be fine. Come on."

"And lastly is Cassius Warrington, and what's this? Viktoria Potter is the newest Chaser of Slytherin!"

The whole stadium went into an uproar, loudly shouting and screaming as we reached the middle.

"Words in that Viktoria Potter has been training as the newest Chaser since trials came," Jordan smiled. "What a surprise! Potter versus Potter, albeit in different positions. Give it up for Potter's first match with us, and hopefully many more!"

We came to the middle of the pitch. I could feel Harry glaring at me but I was on the farthest side from him, a shiny silver crown badge on my chest.

Johnson and Montague shook hands before Madam Hooch let us mount our brooms. She blew her whistle and the balls were released.

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