Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

When it came to going to King's Cross to get on the train, it only took us twenty minutes to walk. Sirius was in his Animagus form, following us. There were other Order members around us, making sure Harry got to the train station without any trouble.

I had purchased a bottomless clutch, putting all of my belongings in there after retrieving some more from the Dursley house when they weren't in.

We made it just in time for the final whistle of the train. Molly herded us onto it, warning us to be good and to write back. Of course, she wasn't talking to me but Sirius gave me a look in his dog form, having already told me that his letters during the school year should come without a problem.

Hermione and Ron went to their Prefect meeting and left Harry, Ginny and me to find a compartment. We did, settling down in it.

After an hour of quiet talking, Hermione and Ron returned. I got a couple of snacks off the food trolley, eating a Chocolate Frog as Ginny had suggested that I try one. It was good and catching the frog was fun.

Ron threw himself into the seat next to Harry, while Hermione took the free seat on his other side.

"I'm starving," Ron said, grabbing a Chocolate Frog from Harry's pile.

"There are two Fifth-year Prefects from each House," Hermione said plainly before Harry passed a liquorice stick to her. She chewed it quickly. "Boy and girl from each."

Ron hummed disapprovingly, "Guess who's Slytherin's Prefects?"

"Malfoy," Harry said disgruntledly.

"And that cow, Pansy Parkinson," Hermione's voice held venom. "How she got to be a prefect when she's thicker than a concussed troll..."

"Who's Hufflepuff ?" Harry asked.

"Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott," Ron shrugged. "They're alright."

"And Ravenclaw?" I asked and they looked surprised at the fact I knew of the Houses. "I read the book, that history one. Who's a Prefect from Ravenclaw."

"You wouldn't know them but Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil," Hermione said. "Harry went to the Yule Ball with Padma Patil."

"Oh, yeah. Harry told me about it," I said.

Hermione narrowed her eyes, "Harry told you? I thought we weren't supposed to discuss this stuff with people. I understand our parents, they need to know."

"Do you really think the Dursleys care?" I looked at her. "Out of everything, them? No."

She looked like I had just insulted her, pursing her lips in displeasure but she didn't say anything about it. .


The compartment door opened another hour into the journey.

"What?" Harry instantly said. "What do you want, Malfoy?"

I turned to find a trio standing at the door, one of which I knew to be Lucius Malfoy's son simply by his hair and his smug smirk.

"Manners, Potter, or I'll have to give you a detention," He tutted before looking me up and done. "Father said your sister was joining us this year. Apparently, your Mudblood mother hasn't completely polluted the Potter bloodline."

"Watch it," Harry snapped. "Don't talk about my mother when your own line is inbred."

Malfoy just chuckled, "Ouch. That really hurts. You wounded me. Name's Malfoy, Draco Malfoy," He stuck his hand into the compartment but Harry slapped it away before it reached me.

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