Chapter 2

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The knocks boomed at my bedroom door.

I scrambled out of my bed, sleepy but alert as someone tried to open the door. It didn't work. I had a chair under the door handle.

I looked to Silver, who just appeared beside me as I hissed at him, "Who is it?"

"Dumbledore's lot, " He said. "They're taking you and Harry tonight."


"Yes," His voice sounded rough and he answered my question before I even asked. "You need to go with them."

I frowned. I didn't know these people. Why should I go with complete strangers? I didn't care that Harry knew them. I didn't.

Silver snapped his fingers and made the chair fly from the door and back to its position at the desk. The door opened, revealing a purple-haired woman with a sheepish smile.

"Evening," She said, quickly coming into my room. "I'm Tonks. I'm one of Harry's friends. I'm here to help you pack."

I blinked at her before shoving past her and into the hallway.

"Harry!" I shouted and heard people downstairs.

I went down there, almost running as I stopped at the living room full of people. There were too many people.

"Where's my brother?" I demanded, watching as they parted to reveal a dressed Harry. "What's happening? Why are they here?"

"They're here to take me back," He said.

One of them, one disfigured with a chunk missing from his nose, shook his head with a grumble, "Not anymore. We're taking you both."

Silver whispered to me that his name was Mad-Eye Moody. He quickly introduced everyone in the group to me and I quickly put that to memory.

"Not until you tell me what's happening," I told Moody. "I'm not going with a group of complete strangers when Dementors were sent after Harry the other week."

"Dementors, you know about them?" Moody asked.

"Yes. Harry's told me all about his life at Hogwarts,"

"Good, good. It'll be easier to explain then," He said. "The Ministry thinks you ain't a Squib. You might've not gotten your letter but it doesn't mean you don't have Magic."

Shacklebolt started next, "At Harry's hearing, they're going to assess you too, see if you need teaching or if it was a one-off event. Having a Squib after a Muggleborn is very unusual so the chances are that you'll have to attend Hogwarts or receive private teaching."

"I'm too tired for this shit," I rubbed my hands down my face. "I'm not going in my pyjamas."

"Quickly now," Moody said. "We're leaving in a few minutes after the coast is clear."

"I'll help her pack," Remus Lupin said, following me up the stairs.

I got to my room and saw Tonks trying to use Magic to pack up my belongings. I interrupted her, tossing everything out of whatever small bag she chose and brought up my duffle bag. I put everything I needed, underwear, socks, trousers, tops, and even an extra pair of shoes.

I politely told them to get out while I changed. I dressed in simple jeans and a dark T-shirt, pulling on a thin jacket over it. I shoved my toothbrush and toothpaste into my bag using them, grabbing my sunglasses and hanging them on the neckline of my shirt.

Walking downstairs with my duffel bag, I found they were all waiting.

"Excellent," Lupin said. "We've got about a minute, I think. We should probably get out into the garden so we're ready. Harry, I've left a letter telling your aunt and uncle not to worry —"

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