4. Raw Bonds

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A brand new day brought you a bundle of responsibilities near at hand

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A brand new day brought you a bundle of responsibilities near at hand. Sleeping in a deep slumber last night with your husband at a reserved distance by your side, you felt refreshed early in the morning but the unannounced arrival of your parents, in-laws and with them the swarm of reporters gave you a headache. Here in your palace your lady-in-waiting back from your parents' palace was sent to permanently assist you and the right hand men of Prince Seokjin himself were there for the both of you as a couple. Lieutenant Kai was assigned as your personal bodyguard to move like a shadow with you even in the Palace. It became hard for you to even breathe.

Sitting at the dining time with etiquettes, being the center of attention as the new couple, forced to serve food to your husband like a behaved wife and warned to smile in the camera dropped your mood to another level. Prince Seokjin noticed all of this through out the day, although he was the busier one all day, handling public affairs, attending political meeting even on the first day of his marriage and assisting the royal family at his Palace, he was exhausted too but as the next King in line he was used to all of this. Somewhere in his heart he felt bad for you, for having to deal with all the chaos. 

Prince Seokjin couldn't get a proper glimpse of his wife all day who was dressed in a pretty peach gown, looking perfect on her fair skin complexion, hair tied in a low bun you looked gorgeous but your husband didn't even get time to compliment you until late at night yet again when the two of you were in the chambers. Beatrice, your lady-in-waiting, was helping you with the arrangement of the closet as you were sitting on the bed, listening to her customizing the dresses according to the events and the time of the day. The bored and tired look of your face was which troubled Seokjin from the far end of the entrance. He knocked before entering, which wasn't necessary because it was his room after all. Keeping up the etiquettes of not walking in on ladies' discussion, he saw you sit straight and Beatrice come out of the closet.

"Your Majesty." Beatrice bowed her head in Prince Seokjin's respect and you lowered your head too. Your husband's eyes lingered on you for a minute before he looked at Beatrice.
"I suppose it's been a long day Beatrice, you can guide your lady later on tomorrow." a polite and easy request made to make her leave, Beatrice got the signal as she curtsy bidding a "Have a good sleep Your Grace." as the door shut behind her back.

Prince Seokjin looks back at you, who was now clutching the sheet in her hands once again, a sign of nervousness. He figured you were not comfortable by his presence. He took a deep breath and proceeded to walk and sit on his side of the bed. He looked away from you but could feel you get stiff at his actions of sitting by you. The both of you were still dressed in your royal attires, but a proper communication was needed at this moment.
"How was your day as the Princess of Versailles?" he asked out loud. He heard a sharp intake of breath but didn't turn to look at you.
"It was good, Your Highness." you said avoiding your shaky breath. Prince Seokjin took a deep breath and closed his eyes. 'Again with this Your Highness.' He knew you were having a hard time here and he promised himself to be there for you to not make you feel alone.

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