"WHAT?!" Chpt 20

132 4 7

Narrator's Pov

The 2 Filipinos was confused about North and China suddenly being serious, They 4 had the same thoughts
'Im nervous about this' The 4 said in their thoughts, Martial examined North's Actions and he was indeed as nervous as they are, Martial Raised an Eyebrow while keeping his cold face, the North korean sigh and looked down clenching his hand,

"please forgive me"

north muttered then a droplet falled onto his eyes, Martial and Philip was confused about it, they both walked up to North while he was tearing up, "Why for?" Philip asked while looking at North with a confused and worried face, China stepped back a little looking at his friend

"Am really F*cking sorry!, About the Injection that philip has and the Attacks!, I-.......tsk...im the one who was f*cking responsible for it"

North said then falled onto the ground, Martial and Philip was both shocked about it, "What?!" Martial said, Martial looked at North with a lot of confusion, Martial crouch then looked at North who were in visible   Nervousness but he didn't know what really is happening, Philip let out a small gasp then looked at North then he crouch, "North, i need you to Explain!" Philip said looking so angry, China grabbed Philip's Shirt trying to pull him away from hurting North "Philip Dont!, Stay calm!" China said
With also a worried tone because he knows what really happened or what philip is feeling "You were the one behind this?, I f*cking trusted you!" Philip said angrily 'Well i guess that i really have no choice'North thought

North looked at Philip, North knew that there was no way the Philip is gonna forgive him due to the poison that is slowly taking his body, Martial looked at Philip and then to North he didn't knew that his 'lover' is hiding something from him, Soon Martial had enought but he couldn't hurt the person he loved the most, "North look at my eyes" Martial said, North hesitated but then looked at Martial,
His eyes shows guiltiness

Martial noticed it 'Just what i predicted' Martial said then China looked at Philip who was Silent,
North sigh then closed his eyes then a soft hand went to put his tears away, looked up again to find Philip putting it away, North then sat down "Alr whatever the reason i need you to explain it" Philip said his eyes showing Curiosity

"After i was left in my own house, I been getting alot of stressed lately,
I took a walked at 9 Pm because i knew that less people were outside,
But only to find myself to get abducted, I was in a room with a lot of needles and Injections on a table, A masked guy entered with a color black tuxedo, and he said 'Nice this country will be a good member' I was shocked to heard that then they took an injection and the leader said 'If you disobey, Ill have no choice to kill you', i was actually defenseless that time because i didn't knew that this will happen,

I obeyed him for couple of weeks but i have been also planning of revenge but then he wanted me to get my first ever country kill, They give me a Picture and it was the picture of you Philip, I was planning to kill him that day but then he somehow realized it, I grabbed a tons of need and Injection with different types of Poison and ran away with it, But then they knew that you were gonna come here at the same hotel you slept in your first day here,
I was tracked and they kept on wanting to kill me but then i told it to China and he insisted that we should fake our relationship and that will stopped them from bothering me, We post that in our social medias and they really stopped bothering me, I realized that they were going after you but i can't go that time because China told me that i can't make appearance to them

I was left in China's house while China got to the meeting and told me that you 2 were here, Just then a Rock with a paper was thrown in my bedroom window, I pick it up and it said 'Hello my enemy, We have already take care of your job and your friend is slowly dying by 4 months by the poison, Good luck saving him' I was shock to find that and i was trying to find you but then when i found you i forgot what was my purpose of finding you, Soon i knew many countries because of you too, But then the threats keep adding more and more i kept ignoring it, Soon they appeared at Russia's estate which ended many of them but not the leader and now i dont know where they are"

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