The confession Chpt 10

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"phil?!,Phil?!"Martial said as he shake me relentlessly then i grunt "Wha?....."I said then Martial shaked me again "what?!,Im getting Dizzy here?!"I said,Martial just laughed and Russia walked up to me "Are you okay
Милый?"He asked (means:Darling)
"Yeah"I said then he smiled which i also smiled aswell,thump wtf is happening?? Thump wtf wtf?! Thump ......Am falling inlove again

Russia's Pov

After the meeting everyone couldn't stop talking about what happened to Philip or whats happening,Nobody couldn't keep their mouth shut but once i glare at them they shut up,
Martial was still in his usual Cold face philip is with me walking when we stumble upon Canada and America "what do you want Burger Mouth?"Martial said and philip looked at America aswell not a smile was seen in his face "Look am not here for a Chaos or do anything reckless"The shady face said then he walked a little bit closer to Phil "You looked Different sunshine, what happen?"he asked and i was fuming about how close he is about like 13 INCHES away from him,but phil stopped me from doing anything aswell "I assumed that my brother doesn't want anyone talking about my Health or safety So am asking nicely,Please leave i dont want a.....Chaos to start"Phil said and i turned on to see what's Martial's Aura is now (he can see Auras by his will),It was all red and Philip it was all Pure white idk how this is happening but it Is.

Shady face looked Shock but he hesitate to answer he just stopped "Thats what he said so please leave"I said then glare,he wanted to speak but he hesitate then the Canadian pulled him away in a concern look "Please Excuse my brother,He's just a little bit worried" he pulled the Shady face away then walked away with him,The American turned to us one last time then walked away,"So...tell me again am the one you said 'You need love'?"Martial said then Phil laughed so do i "What?,Am serious?"Martial said then Phil pat
Martial's back "Seriously you need.....Nk~"Phil said and i chuckled "Damn maybe China?~"I added then he looked at us both and looked like a red Tomato "Wtf?!"He said then immediately turned to his Cold face "NK GIVE ME MY FRICKING GUN BACK!"We heard someone behind martial's back we turned to it and it was just Nk And China fighting again..."Alright you two shut up!"Martial said then walk towards them then punch their head lightly (It was a light punch thats how Martial get them to behave)

A few minutes later

(i forgot to say that it was winter)

Martial was yet again with Nk and China "Bros for life huh?"Philip said with a smile and i smiled too "Yeah they are"I said then It started snowing "What are these White particles?"he asked and i was yet surprise then chuckled "You had never seen snow before Любовь?"i said then patted his head as he look at the snow (Means love) "wahh??,This is what Snow looks like huh?"He asked like a little child seeing the snow for the first time "Its the first time i heard someone surprised because of the snow"I said and we walked together while chattering everything under the sun,Then he just suddenly stopped "Whats wrong Любовь?" (only russia knows what it means And phil thinks russia is calling him 'sun' NOT SON)
"Why does my hand feel like its Freezing?"He asked looking at the snow then kick it i chuckled then blush "Its just the snow Любовь"I said then take off my jacket and putting it around him then held his hand"Feels better Любовь?"I said but inside Am screaming Cuz of how im looking like a tomato (am i the only one who pronounce tomato as Toh-Mah-toh??)
He looked at my hand around his aswell so does my jacket then he smiled "Yeah Thanks Rus"He said (Fun fact:Philip is also dying because of how their hands are.....Yk holding each other..... dying as in blushing),

I smiled as we held our hands,I felt like im clingy af but am not his boyfriend..........yet........,i felt like am all of the sudden Brushing my hands against his lovingly 'Wtf Russia stop that?!'I thought to myself,"Hey Rus?"He called out to me "Yeah?" I said simply whilst holding him gently
Then he chuckled,His chuckled turned into laughter,I smiled and leaned closer "What are you laughing about?"I said then leaned in "N-no its just"He said but then laugh "What is it?"i asked like 6 inches away from his face "You looked like a snowman"he said then laugh i laugh aswell, "listen here Любовь my White flag is not a snowman"I said jokingly and he continue to laugh "Aww your cute when you laugh"i said then realized what i just spoke out loud "What?"He asked while still smiling and i quickly turned away "Nothing"I said he laugh it was kinda cute but im still blushing like a tomato

Few minutes later

Martial's Pov

I was with Chi and Nk,Am just basically watching them Drinking Wine while their acting like a baby losing their cool "Guys?"i said gathering their attention "yeah?"They said then putting their wine down "How long are you guys together?"I asked while leaning back to my seat and they chuckled "we aren't actually dating,Thats how we stopped that American to Stop getting in our buisness"Nk said and i was surprise,Chi nodded then chug his wine "Wtf? You Idiots!"I said like piss off believing that their relationship is real but its just a lie "What?,You expect that i like him?,No!"Chi said while pouting his lips "I would never like this 'Fashion Trend' country"Nk added then they both chuckled,then they both stand up while am Confused Af,"Ughh am tired af Right now"Nk said while i stand up aswell "Martial can you help him go home?"Chi said then Smirked while i looked at him like 'Bitch Why the Fuck?!' "Come on Marty im tired aswell go bring Nk home he cant go home Alone Yk?"Chi added then Nk was pissed off,He grab Chi's Slippers then throw it at him,"Ow wtf North!"
Chi said while wincing like a baby "Alr you Childrens lets go home"

Russia's Pov

Phil was walking while singing to a song,Well i just listen to him i never knew that he can sing so well "Hey
Любовь?"I said then he turned to me "Yes Rus?"He said "What is that song your singing to?"I asked then he smiled,That made my heart race so fast "oh its call titibok-Tibok"

He said then i smiled,Then i realized that it was becoming night time and we still haven't eat yet "You hungry  Любовь?"I said then he nodded
We were walking towards the nearest restaurant i knew,i looked at him just quietly looking at the snows then he sees a large pile of snow,He hurriedly walk to it then kicked it,I chuckled and laugh "Your like a Child, a cute one"I said and he looked at me having huge smile on his face "Hey Любовь?"I said then he walked towards me "Yes?"He asked
I chuckles i love you
.what is phil's answer gonna be hm? I guess we'll find the answer on the next Chpt STAY UPDATED

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