Changes Chpt 13

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Huge mistake i forgot Belarus in my story is a boy!!, Please remember belarus is a boy



Martial's Pov

I woked up feeling so much tired and dizzy but i managed to get up then i notice my phone is gone "Gago asan na Cellphone ko?!" (Translate:Fuck,Where is my cellphone?! I said the looked all over the bed,

I checked the charging port and the charger was then but the phone was gone "Oi Gago andito Selpon mo!" (Translate:Oi mf your phone is here!)

A voice said in the living room, and i realized that it was phil calling me, I got out of my bed and saw phil looking at my phone

"So....Ka chat mo pala sina....China at Nk kagabi?" (Translate: So.....You were chatting with China and Nk yesterday night?) He said then turned to me,

I really am a honest person so i said "Yeah" without hesitation cuz am not scared to admit the truth "How is your......Relationship with North Korea?~" Phil said with his sudden  Expression change,

"What do you mean?"I said then go to my bedroom to quickly change and fix my hair, After that i went outside for phil to continue

"I mean China said 'Hey Martial how was the kiss with North korea?' so....what does that suppose to mean?"Phil said with a teasing smile looking at me while pointing the message China send to Me,

"That was HIS fault, He hold my hand so i......You know my thing?"I said not knowing how to explain it "Ohh you meant you jump then pulled your hand away then you got pushed by him?"Phil knew what his brother meant by that cuz he knew him for a long time.

Russia's Pov

Its was morning and i check what time is it and it was 8:16 Am
i groaned and sat down to only hear
Belarus laughing and noises down stairs,

I head down stairs to find them Cleaning the whole house, I cough to catch their attention then they turned to me,

"Yes brother?"Ukraine said while holding the vacuum on his hand,while belarus is cleaning the sofa

"What's going on?"I asked then they both looked at eachother confused "Wat?? You dunno?"Ukraine said with a teasing smile

"Seriously Ukraine?"I said then the two laughed, "These children and their games" i muttered then go to my own bathroom to change


After i was done i checked my phone then immediately chatted Philip saying like 'wanna hang out later?' then a loud bang was heard from the living room

I hurriedly got down to find Belarus with her hair like all are up or......Floating, "What the heck?!"I said then ukraine turned to me

"Do not play with Fire,Lesson learned" Ukraine said with his face covered in dust "You dumb heads!"I said

Then the doorbell ring "Coming!"Belarus said then fixed her hair while wiping her hands,She opened the door

Martial entered looking at me already with his hands on his pockets wearing a scarf,a jacket and a long pants but not so very long

"Martial?!, What are you doing here?"I asked and surprise that he was here, "I thought you were with Philip?"I said then he nodded

"Yeah Phil is with me but....."He said then glared at my siblings, I dont mind hin glaring at my siblings Fr, "He saw a guitar and said that he will come here for a....Minute"

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