inlove with you~ Chpt.4

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We sat down near the edge and we dont fear of falling there because were used to it,I heard him sigh and exhale "Still the same place but different age now huh?" He said then i turned my attention to him "Yeah, we were much younger back then"i said then i saw him smiling,Oh how much i miss his smile,While the waves hits the rocks below us,Winds making us feel like were still the same kids before

....the place where we met each other....

..........The place where i knew i was falling for him......

.... the exact place where i knew he was the light of my Dark,gloomy World.....

.........My sunshine......... falling for the same person......

....And the place i knew that.......He was the one,Who will light up everything

Martial Pov

Me and China walked around And Chat for a long time then i Notice something Wierd "Hey China i thought you and North Korea are engaged?"I asked Then he chuckled "Oh North korea?,He's busy all the time so South Is the one who always Appeard" He said then it made me curious "So the long distance relationship beetween you two works?"I asked then he pat my Back "Yeah, what did you even think?"He said

we continue Walking and Talking for hours then a Girl Came towards us "H-Hello Mr M-Martial"The girl said blushing then i turned to China and gave him a 'Annoyed smile' "I-i was w-wondering if y-you would l-like to h-hang out with me?,e-Even if we j-just m-met" The Girl said While hiding his blush,China noticed my Expression then spoke up "Who even are you?,You looked like a girl who wore a Thousand Makeup"China said guessing want i wanted to hear the girl looked angry and Puff his cheeks trying to look cute infront of me "I-I do N-Not!,M-maybe yo-you w-wear m-makeup!"The girl said and China laugh " 'I-I do N-Not!,M-maybe yo-you w-wear m-makeup!',Looked if you wanna act Cute and pretty Try to Speak English 'Kay?,You sound horrible"China said then the girl looked really pissed off

"Im n-not t-talking to you!,Get away M-Martial is M-mine!!" the girl said then turned to me "I-if y-you wish M-martial i c-could be yours" The girl said "Shut up your tone is more annoying than your Flat body"I said (respect the people with flat bodies, yall are perfect even if you dont feel like it) then i knew that i reach My limits "w-what?" The girl said acting cute "Girl get the Fuck away from me,You are so Disgusting!" I said then she Ran away with tears in her eyes and that made me so Happy to see tears and made people sad or cry,China was proud of me and Laugh "Damn thats the best performance you ever done" He said then we both chuckled and punch his arm playfully
"Oh shoot i forgot about Philip"I said then hurriedly grab my phone from my pockets "Your a nice brother,you know?"He said while chuckling as i Dial my brother's Phone "Heh...Not nice but a Protective one"I said then Philip Finally answer my Call but it was Russia's Voice "Hello Martial"He said Casually "Where is Philip?,Is he with you?"I asked then i heard him sigh reliefly  "Yeah his here just Doze up (Means Sleeping)" I sigh and chuckle "Hah hows your heart?~"I said Cuz i knew that he has Feelings for Phil "Heh it quite feels good to have him here again"He said oh god wish i could know what he looked right now "Alright Bye just let him sleep to the Hotel Right next to your room or you could let him sleep to your Hotel room~"I said checking the watch on my wrist "Make sure not to be Naughty~" China said to Russia on the phone  "....i hate yall"Russia said then cut the call While me And China Laugh from him

Russia's Pov

i was watching the sunset with Phil and i heard him yawn "You sleepy Marharlika?"I said while still looking the waves and rocks below us "No....Am not"He said then i chuckled "Alright thats what you said"I said then took out my Phone to capture the Sunset going down soon to be nighttime,I saved it in my phone then watch the waves changing Its transparent color to a Shade of Blue and Purple,Then i felt something on my shoulder,I turned to my shoulder only to find Philip Sleeping peacefully on me i chuckled but then my heart Felt like its going to explode,Thump.....thump.... I felt myself blush intensely and wanted to shout then i heard him snoring softly
I calmed down a little bit and smiled
Then i looked at his face then to his lips 'Is it still the soft lips i lik-............WTF RUSSIA?!' i said to myself then i covered my face 'Why am i thinking like this??'I said to myself then calmed down again and looked at him

.....But still i missed that cute face he always has......

...oh i wished i could kiss him right now.......

I smiled then caress his face gently and poke his cheeks,Then the unthinkable happend....
I gently leaned to his sleeping face and looked at his lips then kissed him on the lips gently for a couple of second i didn't want to break the kiss because of this, then after realizing what ive done i pull back quickly suprised by my own actions 'wtf?,wtf!? WTF?!'i said to myself then  calmed down,After a few more minutes i heard a phone buzzing and ringing i quickly grab it in Philip's Pocket 'oh its martial'I answered instead of philip then talked to him


Hey loves  the chapter is done another one coming soon!

Seeing your smile... Makes me Smile aswell (Rusphil)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora