There were a lot of bad people out there that'd give anything to have her begging on her knees, if she thought he was cruel then she hadn't seen anything.

Men worse than he was were crawling the underworld, and the last thing he wanted was to have her stuck in a position she was with him a few months ago.

Unlike him, others won't hesitate to do far worse things to her

"Trust me Cora, there are worse men out there" he muttered not moving his gaze from her, for her she would only see his emotionless hardened gaze but for him, he was being soft and caring

"Oh yeah" she scoffed "You think there's anyone worse than you, I don't think so" she spat at him all the anger becoming worse as she let her mind take her down memory lane

He knew there was worse than him, way worse than him.

"You're the worst of them Dimitri" she snapped at him, the fact that he looked unaffected by her words was annoying her to no end, she just wanted him to react, show some sort of emotion at her outburst but he just stood unbothered

"You're insufferable, you're evil, you're vile, you're a monster" she all but rushed out to him, the tears were now spilling like water fall
She couldn't control them
She didn't know what was wrong with her but she knew she needed this, this vent, she needed it.

"You're a rapist" she spat "and that is the worst thing anyone can be and that's what you are" she said her voice croaking

At the mention of that word, his heart picked up, if there was a monitor close by he's sure it'll be beeping at how fast his heartbeat was right now.

This is what he'd been avoiding and at the same time, expecting
He knew sooner or later she'd break and snap but he didn't expect it to feel this bad and suffocating.

But he had to keep his expression neutral, even if he felt like his chest was hurting and his ears were ringing, he had to show that he wasn't affected.

Not because he was selfish, no.
But because she needed the closure, as much as she was pissed right now, if he as much as show any form of discomfort she'd definitely stop her rants and she might never get a chance to vent out like this again.

She was too nice for her own sake.
She might hate him but she wasn't that heartless to pretend not to notice if he showed her words affected him.

"There may be worse out there Dimitri, but they weren't the ones that kidnapped me, held me against my will, tortured me, humiliated me, raped me" she sobbed with huge hiccups following.

She pointed her finger at him
"You, you did that to me Dimitri, You raped me" she croaked choking on her sobs.

She was feeling too many emotions all at once and it was telling on her.
This would be the first time she was admitting it out loud what he'd done to her

He almost flinched at her tone, almost.
He didn't like hearing her say it, even though it was the truth, it left a bitter taste in his mouth.

If only she knew how much he regretted what he'd done, if only she knew how her tear stricken face plagued his dreams every night and how he'd turn back to smoking seeking solace from the guilt gnawing at him every now and then.

"And you know the funny thing about all this"? She asked trying to regain herself, he just stood there unmoving, watching her release all the pent up anger
"Ivan promised that you'd never do something like that, said something along the lines of it not being your thing" she sniffled "and as stupid as I was, I believed him, I believed him up until the moment you did it, and even when I woke up and saw you looking at me with that crazed look, I still believed him" she choked out

Deep down he badly wanted to move close to her, he wanted to comfort her and tell her how sorry he was and how much he wished he could take back the hands of time and made sure that day never happened, or that he never kidnapped her

But he couldn't, instead he just stood there and watched her until she walked out of the gym, he heard the door banging

He breathe out and ran his hands down his face.
Everything was messed up.
He knew how bad he had hurt her but he never expected her to speak this much to him about it.

She called him a rapist
And he didn't blame her
That was exactly what he was to her
She'd never see him in a different light.

To her, he'd always be her abductor
The man that tortured and plagued her dreams
The man that took everything away from her in just one second

To Cora, Dimitri was nothing but a Rapist


Back with another update guyys😁😁😁

Sorry it's coming late

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