I - One Wish

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I'm starting to write this now!
I had this story for awhile but I didn't know what to turn it into so I just turned it into another generic isekai fic :)

{} - VoTW
[] - Skills/Moves
() - Thought Communication
"" - Speech
'' - Thoughts
Boldfont/Italics - Give Emphasis



"...-oving on. New Genetic Mutations of th-.."


"..-eed Help! Those things.. they killed ever-.."



"For those who seek a better wo-.."


"-...eezing of the Polar Ice Caps continue as temperatures begin to drop in an even faster rate. It is advised to stay indoors as in the following months, The entire world will consequently turn int-.."




Third Person POV

23:33 PM

Within the deep dark confines of an abandoned warehouse, a figure of a person in winter survival gear twists and turn the apparatus on an old rusty radio.

"Hah, that thing is useless."
A Voice with a male complexion says in the dark.

"Nonsense, this can still be scrapped."
The one using the radio says,
"Plus, radios that still work have to be worth something, right?"

The man in the dark reveals himself as another survivor in winter gear.

"Radios like that are antiques, they'll go for at least 30 individual 12 Gauge Shells."
The Man says,
"But other than that, radios that cast news from 13 years ago are as good as scrap."

"Old Man Xen's gonna pay lots for this."
The person with the radio says as he stashes it in his bag and carries the back on his back.

"That Chinaman? I doubt he even has the ammo to pay."
The other man being skeptical says.

"I'll take scrap as check payment."
The one with the radio says, as he picks up his pistol from the ground and checks it for ammo before walking away,
"Let's go, it's late, don't wanna run into slashers."

"You always were a businessman, Yero."
The Other Man follows closely behind the now named Hero as he also picks up a shotgun from the floor before checking it for ammo.

The warehouse reveals to have several dead bodies within which were recently killed.

Yero eyes one of the dead bodies as they walk out of the warehouse and the other man took notice.

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