after a mental debate that lasted way too long, she snatched up the phone, staring at the number for what felt like forever. and before she could comprehend what she was doing or stop herself, she clicked call.

he answered on the third ring, sam's heartbeat heard in her ears. "hey, man. is the party already over?" his voice rang through her ears for the first time in two years, the words getting caught in her throat. he continued, despite sam's praying he would grow silent. "how is she? does she know you guys invited me? can you tell her i'm sorry, it just wouldn't be fair to either of us for me to come."

his voice crashed through her like a tidal wave, silence growing on the other end of the phone call. "michael? did you buttdial me again?"

with a deep breath, she closed her eyes, her lips parting before she breathed out a, "hi, luke."

the other end grew an eerily silence, and for a moment sam worried he had hung up. she pulled the phone back, seeing the call was still connected before slowly placing it back to her ear. "sam?" he asked, his lungs now shrinking as they craved oxygen that luke was holding in.

"yeah." she breathily laughed, a blush climbing onto her face as she chewed at her lip. "been a while." she joked, trying to lighten the tension that had now settled between the ex lovers.

"um, yeah. yeah, it has been." he agreed, his brain scrambling for any words but he seemed to have forgotten how to speak anymore. one simple hello and mention of his name had him chasing a million possibilities of what they could've been, what they should've been.

sam stood there, her grip on michael's phone tighter than ever. "how have you been?" she asked, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. he sucked in a deep breath, the sound causing sam's heart to race.

"i'm okay." he stated, the lie falling from his lips too easily. he hadn't been fine since he lost her, but she couldn't know that. not when she was due to marry a man in a mere two weeks. "can i ask what made you decide to call?"

she wracked her brain for an excuse, deciding saying she misses him wasn't appropriate. "just to say hello?" it came out as a question, sam mentally screaming at herself for her confidence faltering. "i.. wanted to say hello." she stated this time, luke hating the way his heart was breaking in his chest at just the sound of her voice.

he took a moment to pull himself together before clearing his throat, his knuckles white from how hard he was clutching his phone, afraid if he loosened his hold that she would be gone again. "how are you? i heard about the engagement, congratulations. sorry i couldn't make it to the party. it just wasn't.." he trailed off, but sam immediately understood.

"a good idea." she finished for him, him humming in agreement. "and, thank you. it's such late timing for the party when the wedding is just two weeks away."

luke felt his heart ache at her words, dreading that in less than a month, sam would be made an honest woman, and not from him. "so much for us being endgame, huh?" he forced a laugh, attempting at lightening the situation, but his words only broke his and her heart.

a silence settled again, sam biting on her lip to keep the watery eyes from spilling over at his words. she couldn't help herself, taking michael's advice on getting closure. "why did you go?" she said so quietly, luke almost didn't hear it. but, he did, and he wished he hadn't.

he knew this conversation would reopen all the wounds, and despite their limited time together, he had never found anyone he loved as much as her. she was his endgame, even if he was no longer hers. she would always be his end game. "it was just bad timing. i was in a bad place, you were leaving, right person wrong time." he repeated michael's words, sam feeling a tear slip from her eye which opened the flood gates.

"i miss you." the words left her mouth before she could stop them, luke's breath hitching on the other end. she should take them back, apologize and say she didn't mean it, but she couldn't because it would be a lie. she did miss luke, she missed luke so much it caused her physical pain.

luke bit down on his lip to stop old emotions from resurfacing, already feeling the tears starting to appear in his waterline. he couldn't help but ask, the question weighing heavily on his mind. "if you miss me, why are you marrying him?"

the question lingered in the air, sam at a loss for words. she could say she loved adam, and that was the truth, but she didn't love him like she loved luke. she had no excuse for him, which is why he let out a breathy bitter laugh. "this isn't fair, samantha. you are going to be someone's bride in such little time, yet you call me and tell me you miss me."

"it's the truth." she defended, her voice quiet from guilt. luke was right, it wasn't fair. she was playing with two hearts now, not including her own. neither of them deserved her to toy with them, yet she knew she would marry adam because luke didn't want her anymore. "tell me right now that i'm making a mistake, lu. tell me to come home and i'll do it without a second thought."

the words that flooded out made sam feel like such a shit person, but she felt even worse when she knew she would do it if he said so. luke was someone she could never forget, even if she wanted to — which she didn't. luke taught her how amazing being loved and loving someone was, and she knew an attachment would always be with luke.

luke swallowed the words she wanted to hear, knowing he couldn't be the one to ruin something she had found just because he was selfish and wanted another chance. he couldn't be what sam needed, and he had to come to that realization long ago. with a heavy heart, and a deep regret in his heart, he finally spoke. "i can't."

her hopes were crushed, suddenly feeling very stupid for even suggesting such a thing. "i-i'm so sorry, i shouldn't have called. this was a mistake, and i'm really sorry for interrupting your afternoon, luke. i hope you have a nice rest of your day and thank you for answering." she rushed, luke's breath catching in the back of his throat.

"sam, fuck, wait. it's not because i—"

"no, i'm sorry. it was such a silly thing to say. i'm sorry i even said it." she glanced back at the party inside, knowing her fiancée was more than likely searching for her. "i've got to go." she stumbled out, luke's eyes widening.

"no, wait, i'll tell you i want you to—"

"goodbye, luke."

the line went dead, luke staring ahead of himself in disbelief. "come home." he finished, angry at himself that he had missed his chance with her, for the last time.


i cant believe a thousand people have followed this story, and my sincerest thanks go out to you.

there is the second part of the epilogue and after that, we will say goodbye to sam and luke ):

sad day, i cant believe its over.

next part will be up by sunday (; guess you'll have to just be surprised when it comes out. i hope you enjoyed, ilysm, and i hope you have an amazing night.

question: who was your favorite character in the book?

mine was probably michael, such a cute little best friend for sam and glad he ended with addie.

have a blessed day/night! stay safe!

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