Getting an Engineer

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"Oh dearie me. This won't do. My, she can't take care of herself." Waking up to those mumblings, Sophia knew that Estel wouldn't change. Once she found someone she wanted to spoil, she would spoil them to the ends of the continents.

"Estel!" Getting off of the couch, Sophia tries to get up and drag Estel out of the house, but is stopped by vines binding her, and pulling her back down. "My, my, quite naughty aren't you Sophia? I told you I'll be staying here. This will be my home." Watching Sophia, Estel sighs happily at breathing the same air as Pillow, before heading back to the stove.

"I wonder what she would like... Pancakes maybe?" Humming away as she cooked, Sophia nearly cried. Elves refused to cook vegetables, thinking it would harm the vegetables more than nessicary. Meat was considered taboo too. Yet in front of her stood a lovestruck Estel, the role model of all elven kind, frying up a proper steak Texan Style, with many vegetables sitting chopped up, stewed, and/or mashed.

"Oh Pillow, I wish you enjoy this food..." Letting instinct guide her hand, Estel finished the meal, and plated the dishes. Just then, she heard a small thump come from Pillows room, and she sat gracefully down at the table.

Waking up, Maria didn't know what was going on. She smelled something indescribably good wafting from the kitchen, but also some small scuffling and a voice talking. 'Is that from the elf?' Thinking to herself, not really registering her thoughts, her head shot up. 'Wait, elf?!' Falling out of bed, Maria groaned before donning a comfortable set, and rushed out of her room, gazing at the kitchen.

There, sat the elf, thiccc as her mind remembered, and graceful in all her glory. A beautifully made meal sat on the table. A whole Texas Style rib-eye steak, basted in butter with thyme and coriander. The sauce was still heated on the stove, and the rest of the table soon drew her attention. Creamy mashed potatoes, boiled corn kernels, fried eggs, and nearly a dozen side dishes.

"Wh-what the fuck?" Staring at the spread before her, Maria's eyes somehow caught Sophia wiggling in the corner of her eye.

"Who is that?" Motioning to Sophia, Maria looked to Estel.

Estel and Sophia were frozen. Neither had seen Pillows true form, and there it stood in front of them. A full 9-tailed kitsune, golden with red-tipped tails. They had heard the question on one meant, and finally it clicked to them. Pillow hadn't asked since she saw one, but because she was one.

Estel immediately bowed, Sophia attempting to do the same. "That is my friend Pillow-ma'am! She had come because she was worried about my health! She means no harm!"

Seeing Pillow uneasy, Estel waited with bated breaths. She had heard dozens of legends of kitsune, and they were fickle, but extremally powerful. When happy, they rose kingdoms into heaven. When angered, the razed cities until nothing was left but a crater. If offended, the world was never going to be safe again.

"Calm down, I just wanted to know who she was, and why she was tied up." Feeling her hands getting lifted up, Estel nearly fainted. A Kitsune, gods apostle, was touching her! Barely holding on, trying to huff as much air as possible, Estel replied. "She had come to try and take me back home, but I wanted to take care of you!"

Looking away from the slightly crazy Estel, Sophia let out a small noise as she saw Pillow staring directly at her. She knew Kitsune had a small taste for human flesh, and prayed to anything that was listening that she wasn't unlucky. She heaved a large sigh as Pillow looked away, going back to the laid out food.

"Where'd you get all that food?" Pointing to the meal, Maria raised an eyebrow at Estel, who had barely regained her composure. "Follow me my lord." Drooling slightly, Estel slowly began to walk towards the fridge, stopping when Maria placed her hand on Estel's shoulder. "Please, just call me Pillow. You calling me lord sounds so stiff."

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