Sophia and Storge

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Laying in her room, Maria snored as she comfortably slept. Her snores resounded through her room, the soundproofing keeping the noise inside the room. Estel had taken out a lot of her energy, and streaming cleaned out the rest. She was tired, and having none of what was going on so much. She was exhausted, and not waking up for anything.

Estel was on cloud nine. She had met Pillow, and she even agreed to let Estel live there! 'I'm so happy~' Smiling lovestruck, Estel soon looked over to the ever so slightly messy home that Pillow lived in. 'Dirty floor, dirty shoes, dirty dishes... This won't do!' Remembering that Pillow had told her to "Not break anything", she smiled before growing vines out of her dress, coating her hands in a pseudo rubber glove.

Turning the tap's nozzel, and watching the water gush out, Estel hummed happily as she washed the dishes, allowing them to go back to their pristine condition. She couldn't let her idol live with such filth in the home. Her pots and pans were soon cleaned, and hung with the rest, utensils cleaned and sorted, plates cleaned and sorted, and the sink fully flushed out.

Moving onto the floor, Estel hummed as vines sprouted from her clothes. Each were covered in cotton-like fibers, and using that, Estel began cleaning the floor, walls tables, cabinets, anything that had dust would be cleaned by her.

Outside, Sophia watched jaw-dropped as Estel cleaned. Sure Estel had always been a neat freak and one to take care of others, but never to this extent. The only time she had was "when she had a boyfriend 300 years ago..."

 Speaking the end of her thought aloud, Sophia's eyes scanned around the room, before following Estels gaze to a specific room. She looked happily there every once in a while. 'That must mean that the "Pillow" is there. I have to force her to tell Estel to leave,'

Stalking around the house and looking around, Eventually she found the window into Maria's room. 'Here. Lets go in.' Not being able to see what's on the other side of the curtains, Sophia growled before gripping her fist, a wooden gauntlet growing around it. "If yer forcin' Estel, I'm gonna beat you senseless!"

Attempting to smash through the window, Sophia punched forward as hard as possible, intent on breaking the window, and hopefully the "Pillow" with it. When she hit it however, a miniature mana shield popped up, stopping her blow.

"Hah?! Get the fuck out of here!" Smashing her fist into the window again, and getting the same results, Sophia growled again. "Fine! I'll just have to kick in the front door."

Grumbling, Sophia walked to the front, before smashing her wooden fist into the front door. Again, a mana shield stopped her attempt, but Estel heard the soft sound it made. "GRAAAAH!" Smashing her fists into the door over and over, getting the same results, it suddenly opened as Estel unlocked it.

"HAA-huh?" Throwing her whole bodyweight again, she didn't feel herself stopping, before crashing into the floor, inside the home. In her delirious state, she heard a faint voice calling her name. "Sophia?! Sophia! You're here! Are you here to help Pillow too?" Thinking this was a cry for help, Sophia bolted to her feet, grabbing Estels wrist as she did. Pulling her close, Sophias eyes scanned every inch of Estels body, trying to see if "Pillow" had done anything.

"Are you okay? Did Pillow hurt you? Did they assault you? Do I need to beat them up?" Scanning Estel and ignoring her denies, Sophia started telling off Estel. "Why are you here?! I told ya that chasing Pillow was a pipe dream! If ya can understand that, then why are you here?!"

Estel only huffed at Sophia's declaration. "I told you I could find her. I did. She's such a nice young lady and is so sweet and beautiful. I want to live out the rest of my life with her..."

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