Going To The Elven Market

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Waking up the next morning, Maria rubbed her eyes as she took a peek at her phone. It had been a while since the last time she overslept, but apparently today was one of those days. Appearing on the phone, the numbers 8:34 flashed in her eyes, which took a moment to register the meaning behind it.

"Wait shit!" Bolting out of her bed, and wishing she had twitter or something to apologize with, she tore through her own home, messily getting herself ready for streaming. Jumping into a still cold bath, washing her hair and brushing her teeth at the same time, she hurried as she coated herself in soap.

Jumping out, wrapping herself in the towel as she ran to the kitchen, she began to prepare her food as she dried her body and brushed her hair and tails. Twiddling with her tails and ears as she always did, she smiled before grabbing her food, inhaling the General Tso Chicken. Whimpering a bit as the spice burned her, she chugged some water to rid of the burning, gulping down the chicken without much more time taken.

Running back to her computer, she threw on her clothes, booted the stream, did her usual pre-stream check-up, and finally opened stream. Waiting for the stream to slowly turn on was the longest agonizing moment in her newest life.

"Why aren't they on? Did something happen? Why isn't this on? Is it working?" Grumbling as he paced back and forth in his chamber, the King kept grumbling as he waited for the listening device to crackle to life, with the familiar goddess speaking.

Sitting in a forest, a Wraith woke up with a start, having dozed off in his camp. 'Sacre bleu, why did I doze off? Is it cause they aren't streaming today?' Sighing as he saw the sun higher than usual, he clipped the listening device to his cloak before running deeper into the forest. 'Her streams last 3 hours at minimum. I'll be at the first suspected spot in 5. I need to hurry.' His running was followed silently as a person carefully watched his every move.

Sitting in his blacksmithing shop, a worried wife waited by an anxious dwarf, who was playing with their child to relieve his anxiety. "Why are you waiting here? Shouldn't you be working? The competition is in an hour." Sitting there and smiling, the dwarf gave his wife a kiss. "Don't worry meine schöne Flamme. This is important. You'll see."

"Oh my the stream is late. Are they taking care of themselves?" Placing crates of elven fruits on her stand. "They must be busy with all their things. I wonder if they need help?" Continuing to move crates, making sure nothing inside was damaged, her mind became at ease in the midst of vegetation genocide, thinking about the last few streams. "I wonder if they need someone to take care of them."

Floating outside the home, hidden within a tree, the tree spirit silently watched in contemplation. 'I could go in and show them what a Suka they are... If they are bad anyway.' Watching from the tree, she hoped to see who even lived in such an area. No matter who they were, no body was going to hurt her forest and get away with it.

The stream turning online after such a while, Maria let out a huge sigh as Pillow Talk finally came online, much to the relief of its viewers. Maria smiled as she saw her initial numbers jump up to the peak again as people joined in, and the flood of messages that came with it. "Hello hello. Sorry for being late, I guess I overslept. But everything's okay now, since I'm here."

A flood of initial messages soon died down, and from there Maria could slowly pick out her topics of conversation, starting with one she had in her head last night. "I heard the elf stores will be open today. I wish I could go to them and see elves for myself, but alas I don't have the money. Maybe next month."

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