Nightly Activities

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"Hello everyone. Welcome back to Pillow Talk. Hope you had a good day so far, so lets get right into it."

Those words once again crackled out of the listening device. The king held the device as he smiled. His soft features contrasted with his demeanor a few hours ago. Having just dealt with a corrupt politician embezzling orphanage funds, his mood was at an all-time low. If anyone else had spoken in his presence, he'd have them executed. Pillow talk however, was the sole exception.

A waiting minister stood in front of the king. He had come to report a recent issue with Crow, and their lack of success in finding their home. However, seeing the king in a good mood, he hated to spoil it. The king however, still had his priorities. "So... What brings you here? I hope you have had some success with Crow."

Shivering, the minister shook his head. "N-no sir. Nothing." Frowning, the king simply waved his hand. He was happy from Pillow Talk, but now the minster ruined it. Nodding to his command, a knight stepped forward, unsheathing his blade. "You have failed the king. Don't do it again."

Squeezing his eyes shut, the minister waited with bated breaths, before he heard the sound of a mana blade conjuring. The soft hum quietly pulled in all his senses, before a searing pain appeared across his shoulder.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH-" Screaming out as he felt his left arm be divorced from his body, his whole body shook as his brain was enveloped in pain. His blood poured onto the floor of the throne room before another knight stepped forward, their unexposed hand burning hot.

"Argh! AH! FUUUCK!" Letting out screams as the guard seared the wound shut, the pain eventually made the minister blank out. Collapsing to the ground, foam slowly coming from his mouth, the minister only twitched as his body tried to process losing a limb so quickly.

"Clean up the mess, and take out the minister. Send people to sweep the kingdom for him, and to follow him once they do. Maybe they can find his base."

A maid, coming out from the side, numbly bowed before using a towel to clean up the blood, and repolish the area where it spilled until it looked no different than before. Rolling up the blood soaked towel, a knight stepped forward and place his exposed hand on the towel. Ice soon coated the towel, keeping the blood inside and not dripping out onto the floor. The arm was then collected, frozen, and placed on the towel.

Bowing her head, the maid left as the knights dragged out the minister, before throwing them outside the door, closing it behind them. The king only numbly watched on, before turning over to his listening device again. "Ah Pillow. How I wish for such a maiden to be with me." Smiling at the device as Pillow Talk continued, he listened as Pillow responded to another question. "You will be mine and only mine."

Sitting within the clock tower, having not left since they entered last night, the cloaked person quietly drank from their mug as they looked around. hearing a step behind them, they tensed up. From behind spoke a deep, silken voice. "Why so stiff Mr.Wraith? You know I don't mean no harm." Sighing quietly, the cloaked figure lowered his hood. His eyes peered back at the man who spoke. 

"Why are you here sir?" Speaking with his mask, Wraiths voice was deep and soft, a deep rumbling could be heard on the undertones. His speech was delicate and careful. Focusing his feline eyes on the figure who stood in the doorway, Wraith smiled, revealing his fangs. "What's so important that the literal top fox has come to see me?"

The figure only huffed, taking off his hat, revealing his fox ears underneath. "Well I suppose its to see the nice kitty that had done their job." Narrowing his eyes, Wraith only focused on the organizations top fox, cat tail swishing annoyingly. "Get the point." Letting out a small hiss at the end, the fox simply raised his hands.

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