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Chloe bit her lip and looked up at me, she clearly didn't expect me to agree. "Really?"

Clearly cole was feeling the same way, even though Isaac was trying so hard to convince me, you could tell her never expected me to agree.

They didn't understand why I said yes, and it was because I wanted Amber to die, I liked her a-lot. Besides Lucas, she was definitely my favorite council member. Maybe I could stop this, and tell Max what was going to happen. But then what about Chloe? What about Isaac? I didn't know if there was a way out of this that didn't involve death.

"Why are you doing this, and Chloe you can't even be out here!" I took a deep breathe. "Why would you risk your life just to kill another."

Isaac took a step towards me and cole, he stepped back, I stayed put. "I thought you wanted this Trinity, or are you gonna snitch because your little boyfriends on council." I tried to interrupt him but he kept getting louder. "Listen, you need someone on your side in council okay! You will not BELIEVE the shit they make us do when-" His tone immediately lowered, and Chloe stepped up to him.

She looked at him as if he had betrayed her. "I thought you said we were doing this for food. Get rid of slaves like me?" Her eyes widened and she pushed him to face her. "Why are we doing this?! Really, this time!"

Chloe got more and more in his face, screaming nonsense at him. Something about the bleach. I was done with it. I stepped forward pulling her away from him.

Cole stood off to the side, dumbfounded. Isaac didn't look phased at all, just angry.

Everyone stood for a minute, the only sound being Chloe's hard breathing from all the yelling.

Issac spoke up. "Are we done? Can we start this thing now?" Chloe shook her head in annoyance.

"Start what?" I was so confused in this moment. All I wanted to do was go for a nice walk, talk with cole, clear my head. And now I had at least a million more things to focus on, now I had something to focus on, I guess that was okay.

Chloe looked at me, a tang of aggression in her tone. "We're ready, she dies today."

I furrowed my brow, cole hung back a little further behind me, just as shocked if not more.

"Today!? And you two were gonna do this on your own. The whole time, I thought I could trust Isaac and you! For fucks sake Isaac your on council, and Chloe, your limited!" I know I was supposed to go with it, but this was absurd, I couldn't hold myself back.

"In or out." Isaac said, completely ignoring my remarks.

I took a deep inhale. "What's the plan?"

Chloe smirked and chuckled a bit, rolling her eyes. Me and cole huddled up around their rock. It was unusual for cole to be this quiet, but he hadn't spoken the entire time. I looked over at him as I sat against the large boulder but he didn't look back, just at the ground. Isaac started to pace around in front of us all.

"Okay, I get to do this, I'm in council. There's a meeting today, that's why it has to be today." He inhales. "At every meeting Max pours a glass of whiskey for every one of his council members, he's discussing Chloe I heard. I get there early and pour the bleach in, that's it." He looks around and throws his hands up.

I paused and glanced at Chloe. "Yeah great, so what do you expect the rest of us to be doing." It was a stupid plan, such a narcissist that he only wrote himself into it.

Isaac scoffed and rolled his eyes, I figured guys would stop being so sassy in such situations, but he was still acting like he didn't have a care in the world. "God your begging for work? Weird, either way Chloe can't do anything, she already knew that. Trinity this is great for us though, you can distract Max while I'm pouring the bleach. Cole, just umm." He paused and Cole scratched his head with the same stupid look on his face as always. "I don't know, be good." He looked offended by this.

The CuntpocalypseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora