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season three x episode seventeen

━𝐈 𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐌𝐘 eyes to blindingly bright sunshine. Where am I? I push my arms against the bed I am lying on, sitting myself upright. Two pillows rest behind me, giving me support.

My eyes glance down at my outfit: a hospital gown. What the hell happened to me? 

Fear slowly bubbles in my stomach as my eyes dart around the room I am in. Next to me on the side table is a bouquet of my favorite flowers: tulips. The tulips flaunted a baby pink, every other flower being a dark magenta. Tied to the glass vase is a note. I reach for the note. It reads the following:

dear pretty girl,

I heard you like tulips.

-your secret admirer ;)

I blankly stare at the notecard. A secret admirer? Seriously?

Suddenly a knock sounded in my room. In walked Mark Sloan, a clipboard resting in his hands.

"Good morning, Sunshine!" Mark threw a charming smile at my face.

"Pardon my language, but what in the hell happened?"

Mark's smile drops to a did-you-seriously-just-kill-my-mood frown. 

"How did I get here, Dr. Sloan?"

"Well according to your fellow intern, Meredith Grey, a man attacked you. Then you went unconscious, fell into water, blah blah blah." Remembrance slaps me on the face, which in turn makes me drop my jaw. Mark held up the clipboard, avoiding my frightful eyes.

"Wait, I fell into water?"

"Yes. After going unconscious, you slipped into the water off the dock. You drowned and became hypothermic."

Shockful chills ran up and down my body. 

"I...I almost died?" My eyes began to tear up.

Mark allowed time for me to compose myself, for he still had talking to do.

"Remember how you fell on the post of the dock?" I slowly nod my head as I think back to the moment of my downfall. "Well, you now have a grade two concussion. If you hit your head any harder, I'm sure you would have a skull fracture."

"That explains the short-term amnesia I had when I woke up."

"You can be discharged tomorrow. We're just keeping you for observation. I'm sure you understand."

"I do."

Throughout the conversation, Mark had been glimpsing at the pink bouquet of flowers next to me.

"Nice flowers." Mark flashes me the charming smile he had earlier.

With that, he walked out of the room.


𝐈 𝐒𝐈𝐓 𝐃𝐎𝐖𝐍 next to George, a tray full of hospital food in my hands. George is sipping on a soda in a blue cup.

"George, do you know of anybody that might be attracted to me?"

He whips his head toward me, confusion plastered on his face.

"Sorry, that didn't quite come out how I intended it to." I apologized.

"Uh, I haven't really heard anything. Why do you ask?"

"I woke up to flowers on my bedside, George."

"They were just flowers from the nurses, weren't they?"

"No. They were my favorite flowers. And it had a note on it that said it was from my 'secret admirer'! With a winky face, George! I hate mysteries."

George began to laugh at my flustered emotions.

"A secret admirer? Man, this guy must be head over heels for you, Ollie."

I went quiet. I don't necessarily have the best track record with guys. Am I even ready for a new relationship yet? I should probably wait just a little while longer before I decide on anything.

"You good, Ollie?"

"Yeah. I just don't really have a good history when it comes to my love life. I'm not sure I'm ready for anything yet."

George gave me a sympathetic look.

"Hey, are you gonna eat those animal crackers? If not, I will gladly take those."

George shook his head no. I launch my arm to the animal crackers, but he's faster. He snatches the packet and stands up, holding the packet above his head. I quickly jump up, trying to get the crackers, but to no avail.

"Alright. Fine. Keep the animal crackers." I grumble.


𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐕𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐄𝐍 lying around in my hospital room for a few hours, bored out of my mind. I called my dad a few hours ago, wanting him to know that I was okay. I told my father the whole story of me almost dying.

A knock sounded in my room again, a voice following.

"You have a visitor," a nurse spoke with a smile.

My dad walked into my hospital room, a bouquet of flowers held in his hand. 

"Hi, dad." A smile overcame my face, happiness surrounding my headspace.

"Hi, honey." A relieved smile danced across his face.

My father handed me the bouquet of flowers. The flowers were tulips just like the other bouquet, except this bouquet was only white tulips.

"Thank you, Dad."

"You deserve it. I see you got more tulips?" My father glanced at the bedside table to my left.

"Yeah. It says it's from my 'secret admirer'." I giggle.


𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 800

𝘢𝘭𝘣𝘶𝘮 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘺: 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒃𝒖𝒓𝒏 𝘣𝘺 𝖽𝗈𝗆𝗂𝗇𝗂𝖼 𝖿𝗂𝗄𝖾


can you tell that this is a filler chapter? sorry for falling off the face of earth for months on end. i started school, and lets just say it was a hard adjustment... thank you guys so much for all the attention this story is getting! i never thought this story would get to where it has. n e wayz feel free to leave some comments, maybe even a vote!

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