CHAPTER TWENTY, romeo and juliet

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After school was over, Shawn and Gwen went to the auditorium. Gwen managed to sneak Shawn inside and just like she said, Mr. Russell wasn't paying any attention to them. The stage was set up to look like a scene from Romeo and Juliet, a classic play that is famous around the world.

Shawn sat in the back of the auditorium where no one could see him, but he had a good view. Gwen left her backpack with him and went backstage to get ready. Shawn looked around the auditorium curiously, noticing Gwen talking with some of the other members in the drama club. He knew Gwen was excited to be apart of the play, but he had no idea just how much until now. He could tell by the way her eyes lit up and how happy she looked.

He then noticed Kamden went over to talk with them which made him confused. Then he remembered he was in the play too, causing his jaw to clench. He almost forgot that Kamden was in the play. He couldn't help the small frown that made its way to his lips as he watched their interaction. He hated that he felt jealous with seeing Kamden around Gwen. It was stupid and ridiculous, he knew that, but he couldn't help it.

"Hello, fellow thespians. It's so nice to meet you all." A young woman in her twenties spoke as she walks onto the stage. "My name is Mrs. Keller, but you can call me Meredith. I'm the assistant director."

"And I'm Mr. Russell." A man with graying hair and glasses stepped onto the stage, waving at everyone. "I would like to get through the rehearsal today without any problems. We've only got two weeks until the big day. So please pay attention and try not to mess up."

"You're so encouraging, Mr. R." One of the members remarked sarcastically, earning a few chuckles from some of the others students.

Mr. Russell rolls his eyes. "Alright, let's take it from the top."

Everyone got into place and got ready to start rehearsing. Shawn had to admit it was pretty boring, he almost fell asleep a few times, but when Gwen was on stage he made sure to be wide awake. He was right about her being a great actress. She was so talented and passionate. He was proud of her for doing something like this because Gwen a year ago would've never done this. She had really grown and changed since they were kids.

Shawn hated the parts with Gwen and Kamden in the play, especially when they had to act like a couple. He knew he would have to watch those parts, he just hated it. But he still couldn't help but feel proud and happy for her. And honestly Kamden was really good at acting too. He hated the chemistry he had with Gwen though, it just annoyed him.

So far the rehearsal was going well and they weren't having any problems. That was until suddenly one of the fake trees fell. Gwen had been standing in front of it and she would've gotten hit with it. Shawn forced himself to stay where he was sitting, knowing he would most likely get in trouble if he revealed he had been there the whole time. He watched with clenched jaw as Kamden suddenly pulled Gwen out of the way, making sure she wouldn't get hit.

Shawn was grateful for that, he was. But he still wished it was him who saved Gwen, not Kamden. He was sure he would have done the same thing Kamden did, he just would've been faster. He would've made sure the prop wouldn't fall somehow. He was sure of it.

"Thank you." Gwen smiled gratefully at Kamden, breathing a bit heavily after the sudden accident, her hands on his arms that were around her waist.

"Of course." Kamden smiles back softly, reluctantly pulling away from her. "You're okay, right?"

"Yeah, yeah. I'm okay." She reassures him. "Just a bit shaken up." She admitted after taking a deep breath.

"Everyone alright?" Mr. Russell called out, looking concerned.

"Yeah, yeah." Gwen answered.

Mr. Russell smiles and nods. "Alright, good. Stage crew, what happened?" He called out.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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