CHAPTER SEVENTEEN, the wrong side of the tracks

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Gwen had been walking down the hallway with Cory until they both stopped when they saw Jill Howager talking with Shawn

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Gwen had been walking down the hallway with Cory until they both stopped when they saw Jill Howager talking with Shawn. Jill was way out of Shawn's league. Gwen was honestly surprised when she saw Jill talking with Shawn and she was even more surprised when she overheard that she agreed to Shawn asking her out. Gwen knew that Jill hung out with the rich popular girls and most of the girls in that group were mean, but Gwen had to admit out of those girls she thinks Jill is the nicest one. 

"Jill Howager." Cory said with surprise as Jill walked away and he and Gwen walked over to Shawn. "Wow. This is a whole new type of girl for you."

"I know." Shawn grins. "She's got style, she's got elegance. She's got...Parents." 

Gwen looks at him with offense. "I have parents. One is a drunk and I never really see her and my dad is my favorite, but I got parents." She crosses her arms, raising her eyebrows. "Are you saying I don't have style or elegance?"

Shawn's eyes widen and he panics. "You do." He quickly said. "You have a great style and you got elegance, but you know, she's...A-and you're..."

Gwen chuckles lightly and interrupts his rambling. "Relax, Shawn. I know what you mean. She's from a different social class than me." 

Shawn sighs with relief, glad that he didn't upset her. He never meant to do that. "You really do have a great style and you got elegance." He complimented her, smiling softly at her and she hated how that smile made butterflies swarm in her stomach.

Gwen returns the soft smile. "Thanks, Shawnie."

"Look. Baby geeks discovering the female of the species." Eric joked. Eric and his friend, Jason, stood by the railing of the steps the trio was by and they were looking at the boys with amusement.

"I saw we tag them and return next spring." Eric's friend chimed in.

"Why don't you return never?" Cory asked.

"They attempt to protect themselves by puffing up." Eric continued.

Gwen rolls her eyes. "You're not making me want to punch you any less."

"The female of the baby geeks is getting annoyed and threatening to attack." Jason chimed in. 

"I don't see you guys with any girls." Shawn spoke up, grabbing Gwen's arm to pull her back when he noticed out of the corner of her eye she was heading towards Eric and Jason with her fist clenched.

"Oh, please." Eric laughs and Jason joins him on laughing. "We only hunt when we need to hunt." Eric commented.

Eric's and Jason's attention was turned to a pretty brunette-haired girl walking by. Jason makes the sound a rabbit makes and he grins. "Wabbit season." 

Gwen rolled her eyes and she pulled her arm out of Shawn's grasp when Jason playfully hit her on the head before he did the same with Shawn and Cory. He winced whenever Gwen elbowed him roughly and quickly followed Eric.  

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