Chapter 26 The Death of Paris

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We were greeted by Aeneas, his father Anchises, and his son Ascanius outside of Andromache's chambers. I felt relief flood through my body that it was them and not Greek soldiers. Ascanius was holding a sword of his own at three and ten he was tall and handsome for his age. He was like his father, a good warrior. If the war had continued, Ascanius would have no doubt joined the war effort. All three took in our sight, the two children crying. Andromache and I were covered in blood. Andromache crying and trembling.

"What happened? Are you both alright? Where is Astyanax," Aeneas asked hastily. I heard Andromache try her best to hide a sob. I reached out and took her hand. Doing my best to comfort her during this time. Knowing that she was grieving for her child that was murdered before her very eyes.

"Killed, Astyanax was killed protecting his mother and younger siblings, if it was not for him. They would be dead," I replied. Trying to hold back my own tears. I had to remain strong for them. I had to get them out of here, I had to make sure that my own family made it to the tunnels alive. Aeneas, sorrowfully looked back into what were Andromache's chambers. He took a deep breath and returned his gaze to us.

"Come on, we must hurry. I saw Greek soldiers coming this way. We have to get to the main courtyard and to the tunnels. I have ships waiting in the cove for us," Aeneas said. I nodded and we all followed Aeneas down the hallway.

"How did you know that the Greeks would get into the city," I asked as we made our way down the corridors. They seemed like a winding maze, longer than before. I looked back and saw Ascanius holding Eetion's and Penelope's hands. Anchises was holding onto Andromache.

"I received a message from Telemon, he said that the Greeks were working on something. That Odysseus had a way inside the city. Once I got the message, I knew that I had to get the ships ready. I hoped that it was nothing. But I was wrong," Aeneas said bitterly. I just nodded, adrenaline was coursing through my body. We killed every Greek that came across us. We did not want anyone knowing where we were going. If the Greeks discovered the tunnels and the ships, no Trojan would survive come the morning. The Greeks had used trickery to get into our walls, and now were raping the city. No doubt killing every Trojan man, woman, and child for the sport of it. I prayed to my father that they would be punished for such cruelty. We quickly went down a flight of steps to a corner of the main courtyard. It was hidden in the shadows, no one would see us as we made our way across. But as we entered the main courtyard, my blood went cold once again. King Priam was dead on the ground, multiple arrows sticking out from his body. Paris was in the middle of a bloody exchange with Achilles. Hecuba and my children were being held by Achilles' men. A soldier I knew as Philoctetes had his sword pressed against Hecuba's throat. The other men were holding all of my children back. Hermione and Athena were doing their best to comfort the younger children. I turned Aeneas.

"Get Andromache and the children to safety. We will meet you in the tunnels," I said. Grabbing Hector's sword and pulling out my dagger. Aeneas shook his head. He turned to Andromache and his father. Sternness and weariness in his eyes.

"Stay here in the shadows, and do not make a sound. I am going with Helen to save the crowned prince and his children," Aeneas said. Andromache and Anchises nodded. Both Aeneas and I emerged from the shadows and raced toward my children. Taking the soldiers by surprise, I cut two of them down. Aeneas raced toward Philoctetes. Hermione and Athena began fighting their own captors. I smiled and finished the last two soldiers off. All six of my children raced into my arms. The young ones crying. I pulled away and stared at my two eldest daughters. Handing my dagger to Athena. They needed a way to protect themselves if something were to happen and I was not there to protect me.

"I need you both to take your younger siblings to your aunt Andromache. She is in the farthest corner hidden in the shadows. I need you to go and not look back. No matter what you hear," I said sternly. The two girls nodded solemnly. They gathered up the smaller children, Hermione picking up Helena. I watched them race to the corner hidden in the shadows. I turned and raced to Hecuba who was knocked unconscious on the ground, I touched her throat gently. She still had a pulse thank the gods. I stood up and charged at Philoctetes, managing to catch him by surprise. He turned to deflect my sword, giving Aeneas time to run him through the stomach with his sword. Philoctetes fell to the ground. We both stopped as we heard a cry. We turned and saw Achilles on the ground just a few feet away from us. An arrow pierced through his heel. Paris was holding his bow. Paris dropped his bow and caught me as I raced into his arms. He buried his face in the crook of my neck. I could hear him breathe a sigh of relief.

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