Chapter 25 The Fall of Troy

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I felt myself being violently shaken awake from a deep sleep. After I had found Paris in the courtyard, we both decided to retire early from the feast. Neither of us were in the mood to celebrate, We only wished to be with our six children. My eyes shot open to meet Paris' panicked expression. I bolted upright when I heard the sound of distant screaming and the smell of fire in the air. I could hear Helena crying softly for me. Paris was wearing a cloak and armor.

"Helen, get up quickly. We must get the children out of the palace now. The Greek army is in the city. They are sacking the lower city, and are heading toward the palace. Most of our men are too drunk to fight back and are being slaughtered," I felt my heart stop in my chest. My thoughts immediately went to that horse outside the temple of Poseidon. I just nodded and got out of bed. I looked over at my eldest daughter, she just nodded at me grimly. Already knowing what was going on. I knelt down and grabbed the dagger I kept under my bed. I tucked the dagger into the folds of my gown and wrapped a cloak around my neck. I saw Helena crying beside her sisters. I knelt down and wrapped her cloak around her small neck. She was trembling, at three years old. She did not know what was going on. And why she was woken up to flee the only home she knew. I had to remain calm for my children, but I was terrified inside my heart.

"I scared mama... I scared," Helena whimpered. Feeling my heart tear itself apart. I pulled my youngest child into my arms. Picking her up and putting her on my waist. I was trying my best not to show my own fear. I looked over at Hermione and Athena. Both were carrying their small swords, Pollux holding his sword in his small hand. He had a look of grim determination on his face. Idaeus and Aganus were clinging to the two older girls. I knelt down between all my children. I could feel their terror, and it was breaking my heart.

"I know you are all terrified, but I need you all to be strong. We will not die tonight. None of us will die tonight, do you hear me," I said. My voice did not waiver. They had to believe that we would get them out of here alive. Just then our doors flew open and Priam and Hecuba raced in. Priam was in his armor, his sword by his side.

"The Greeks have reached the upper city, the lower city is burning and the Greeks are slaughtering every Trojan they find. The remaining Trojan troops are doing the best to hold the Greeks off. We must get as many of the survivors out through the tunnels as possible," Priam said. I could see the fear in Hecuba's eyes. Her worst nightmare had come to pass. Her city was burning around her, and the lives of her remaining children. The lives of her grandchildren were at risk. I looked at my youngest daughter, who was clinging to me. Then to my eldest daughter, I knew their fate if we stayed here in Troy. I would not allow them to be slaughtered at the feet of Agamemnon. I would rather kill them myself. I handed Helena over to Hecuba. Helena resisted at first, but soon latched her arms around Hecuba's neck.

"I need you to go with your grandmother, and listen to everything she tells you to do. Do you understand," I told all my children. Paris was strapping his sword to his waist. He looked up at me when I spoke those words. All my children nodded, rushing to their grandparents. I went over to Paris. Staring up at my husband.

"Where are you going Helen? You need to stay by my side. I have to get you out of here," Paris said. I gave him a small kiss. And made my way toward the doors that led out of our apartments. I had to make sure that Andromache and her children survived tonight. I would not allow Hector's line to end tonight. My children, along with Hector's children, had to live.

"I am going after Andromache," I called after my shoulder. I felt Paris grab my arm. Forcing me to face him. His eyes were wild with fear. He knew of my promise to Hector. And I was not about to break that promise in the face of danger.

"No Helen! That quest is madness, Andromache knows her way to the tunnels. Both she and the children will get out safely," Paris said. I pulled my arm out of grasp. I cupped his face. I knew he was afraid that I would die. That the Greeks will bring me to Agamemnon, and Agamemnon would have me killed. But that will not happen, I will not allow it to happen

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