Chapter 7 The Palace

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The massive double doors of the palace opened and we entered a large airy courtyard that connected the main steps to the palace itself. It was stunning in its beauty. Columns on the left side of the courtyard were opened up to reveal the lower city below and the great walls that surrounded the city. The walls that were supposedly built by the great gods, Poseidon and Apollo themselves. On the other side of the courtyard was a row of columns that lead into a hallway that led into the palace. There was a large lotus pool in the center of the courtyard. The flowers are just floating passively on the water, each flower was brightly colored. Nobles, soldiers, and servants were moving about the courtyard. But all had stopped to stare at us as we entered. Curiosity and weariness in their eyes. I held my daughter in my arms a little tighter. Not liking the way they stared at us. They parted as we made our way across the courtyard toward another set of massive wooden doors. The doors had the images of Apollo and his twin sister Artemis etched on each door. Apollo rode his great chariot, while Artemis stood with a bow notched with an arrow, a stag at her side. It was beautifully done, and I was awed at the likeness of the goddess. The two guards stationed at the doors gave Hector a bow before opening the doors. We entered the Trojan throne room. It was done very differently than the throne room of Sparta. The one that I watched my world fall apart in.

12 large columns were placed in the throne room. Six on each side, each carved in the likeness of the 12 great gods of Olympus. The left side of the throne room was open to the lower city of Troy. The other wall was brightly painted with scenes of the countryside that surrounded Troy itself. There was another lotus pool in the center of the room. Across from the pool was a raised platform with two thrones of equal measure, carved from ebony wood and painted with gold and gems. On those thrones sat the king and queen of Troy, two of the most powerful rulers in all of the Aegean. Beside them were their most trusted advisors and family members. We made our way toward them. The remaining Trojan nobility looked at us in complete silence. I could hear my own breathing, their breathing around us. I could feel their eyes looking up and down my body. Taking in the beautiful queen of Sparta that was here. We came to stand in front of the platform and the platform steps. One of the women standing beside the queen raced to Hector, he caught her in his arms and buried his face in her neck. She pulled away and pressed her lips to his in a passionate kiss. He pulled away as a servant came over with a small bundle. It was a son just a few months older than Hermione. Everyone in the throne room looked on with a gleam in their eyes at this touching moment. I had a feeling that this woman was Hector's wife. The child, his son. I looked over at the second woman. She was staring at Pollux and I, a look of pure terror and anger in her eyes. She was wringing her hands in her lap, muttering to herself as she continued to stare. Hector handed the child back to his wife and went to stand in front of his father. The mighty king Priam, and his noble queen. Queen Hecuba of Troy. They were one of the greatest rulers in all of Anatolia. Building Troy up from a small merchant city, to the greatness we saw now. Paris went to stand by his brother. Leaving Pollux by my side. Priam held up his hand for silence in the room.

"Welcome home my sons. Though I was surprised to hear that you have brought royal guests back to Troy with you," Priam said. Murmurs from the crowd rose up behind me. Queen Hecuba got up from her throne and embraced her two sons. She pulled away and looked at Pollux and I. She had the same look that Anchises did when we first arrived at the docks. The weariness, the suspicion. She then returned to her throne. Sitting down and continuing to stare at us. She did not speak a word, not yet anyway.

"Father, may I present to you. Helen, queen of Sparta. And her older brother, prince Pollux of Sparta," Hector said motioning toward us. We both stepped forward and bowed to King Priam and Queen Hecuba. We stood and Priam offered us a small kind smile.

"We welcome the queen and prince of Sparta. Though you must forgive our surprise at your arrival. What brings you to our city? You are very far from home my lady," Hecuba said. Her tone is cold and formal. It was my brother who spoke.

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