Omega Mart part 1

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We had been walking outside now, we had stayed at The Venetian for maybe an hour or two more before heading out.  There was these two guys that were preforming earlier when we got out, we watched the whole show, giving them like five dollar's afterwards.

We talked a bit about what they did in their performance as we walked, I suddenly say randomly.

"Hey, will we be going to omega mart? I really want to-"

We kept walking but the group did glance at me, not at the same time. That would've been funny though.

"Yeah we will, it's only like 6 right now. Maybe we could head there now?" (C)

We went to a less crowded place in the streets, and stopped walking, so we could talk about this.

"I guess so yeah." (S)

"I can get an uber right now then?" (B)

"Sure." (T)

I'd order an uber, and we walked to the place they would pick us up at. While we waited I told them to watch for the car plate. Then the uber came and we all got in. The driver would ask where we wanted to go, and I told him to the omega mart, which he asked if I meant the Area 15 place, I agreed.

We had some small conversations with the driver which weren't all that bad, made everything less awkward honestly. The driver had some music playing, some I hadn't really known, but it sounded like phonk.

He arrived at the area, and stopped. We got out, well they did, I was still in the uber to pay for the drive from where we had been to the Omega Mart.

I got out and thanked the driver, he drove off and we stood on a side walk.

A bit ahead was a building, and there was also a pretty cool looking vehicle if you asked me.

 A bit ahead was a building, and there was also a pretty cool looking vehicle if you asked me

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"Oh wow, we're here." (C)

Craig didn't sound too excited but he quickly rushed over to where the entrance was, turning back and telling us to follow. We all cross over the road to the other side, we did take a few pictures with the cool looking vehicles which was nice, then we actually headed to the entrance area.

Craig opened the door, going in and pushing the door behind him open so one of us could grab it before it closed, which was Tweek, then me and Scott went in after the two.

When we walked in we first saw this big skull that illuminated with the colours of mostly purple, and white, then a few other colours like pink, blue, and like maybe three others, I don't know there's a lot of colours on it but it isn't as much as the purple and white. Oh and it also stood on top of a platform that said, "AREA 15" on it.

The inside had a purple colour scheme, and some other colours, which made it pretty colour. On the right there seemed to be a shop and then maybe more, and there was also a gift shop behind the skull.

We all went into the gift shop, it had cool things like necklaces, these cool shiny googles, some like decorations, and a few other things. We didn't stay too long in the shop.

When we got out there was a boba shop right behind it, and on the same side - which was the right - was the Omega Mart. In front there seemed to be two VR things? It looked like you could put on a VR and like... Feel like you're flying? I think? That's what it looks like anyway.

"So should we go inside the Omega Mart?" (S)

"I would say so, and if any of you guys want to buy something you should wait until after we leave, so we don't have to be carrying it everywhere." (C)

"Okay, let's go then." (T)

"Okay-" (B)

We all started to walk to the Omega mart. There was a line so we went to go stand in it, I think you had to pay to get in so I told everyone to get some money out at least just to make sure we'd be ready.

Once it was our turn, I had asked if we needed to pay and they told me yes, and how much it would be. We all payed for ourselves and then we were told to go stand and wait at the other side of the line - there were two - because they would be like, checking if we had anything like cigarettes or something like that. We didn't have anything but money and like a few things like the key card for the hotel room, but whatever.

Once that part was over we were let into the area of Omega Mart. There were some people walking around and looking at the things inside the place. We all went separate directions for a bit, I went to this isle that had mostly energy drinks.

They would say interesting things like one was just "WAKE UP PLEASE" and then it would just have, "wake up,  wake up please, you're dreaming, this isn't real" stuff like that on the can, it was also all orange-red but it's words were green with black outlines.

Another one said, "Gender Fluid" which I found funny, my favourite drink name of all the other ones. It also had on it" NON-TOXIC" and like, "UNIVERSAL HIGH PERFORMANCE, LAVENDER & LEMON" and on the bottom of it, "X-TREME, MULTIPLE PREPOSE" and was mostly colour yellow and white. Did I just give a big description of a drink even though I didn't need too? Yes, yes I did.

I went to some other areas where they had more like vegetable items and then the meat area, there was this daikon plush that you could move it's limbs and it would stay in that placement and you could also colour on it and wash it off if you wanted, or keep it on. In the meat area there was one that was a heart, it would say something like, "don't break it" I can't really remember what it was since right after we all went into a secret passage that Craig found.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2023 ⏰

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