Flying into the night

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We were already in the next plane. This one had been bigger then the one we were originally in, it had three seats on each side instead of two and look nicer. The plane was already moving, getting ready to take off, it had only been backing up.

I was sitting at the window once again, beside me, sitting in the middle, was Kenny, then on the end was Clyde. Then on the other side, on the right once again was Tolkien, Craig then Tweek. So Tweek being at the window and I think you would know the order.

There was also in front of them Kyle, Stan and his girlfriend, Wendy. Wendy at the window and Kyle in the seat closest to the hall, or whatever you like to call it.

The plane already started to moving forward, then turned, forward, turn, and finally forward again. Shortly after it would slowly turn again, and this was the last time because once it didn't turn it would get faster, making this loud weird noise as it went fast.

It didn't take long for it to soon take off into the air. It kept going up and up until it would straighten and stayed at one spot in the air, I mean it still moved forwards but I think you know what I mean.

As last time, I was looking out the window, headphones in, music somewhat loud. Same, same. I let out a little sigh.

I didn't think about it much but then i thought about it again, i found it strange how Tweek didn't like, freak out from the plane taking off. Actually he didn't the first time, huh, that's interesting. I turned to look across from me to where Tweek and Craig sat.

I noticed that Tweek was asleep on Craigs shoulder and had headphones on, they must've been sound canceling or had calming music or something because he hadn't woken up it seemed. Craig was looking out the window and didn't seem to move. I turn back around to look outside the window.

The sky was dark and you couldn't see the stars because of how cloudy it was, but you also couldn't really see the clouds because of how dark it was. I moved in my seat, going forward a bit so i could look from behind us a bit. You could see lights, lots of them were small but gathered together, making them somewhat more brighter. Some lights were brighter then others and they were quite spread, but that made sense.

The lights would slowly get father as we moved away from them. Some more would appear from under us or infront, and we would pass them by.

"What's so interesting?"

Kenny would peek from behind me to see if there was something like crazy interesting or something.

"Oh it's not really that interesting.. It's just the lights."

I had put my music down when I saw him peek over me, in fact I actually put my headphones down as well.

"Oh, okay then."

He continued to look outside the window, he was sort of close to my face by doing so. I just looked away from him and continued to look outside as well.

The lights would disappear and we would turn a bit, then a bit after more lights appeared again and you would be able to see a few stars now.

"The lights kind of remind me of stars-"

Kenny would chuckle, only slightly cutting me off. I felt kind of embarrassed and didn't look at him.

"Yeah i guess so. I guess you could say they look like those galaxy pictures you can find online."

He shrugged slightly and looked away from the window. He would bend and reach into his back for the food he had bought when we waited for our next flight. He had gotten a burrito and ice tea- and I don't really know what else-

☆ The Trip ☆ - ☆ A South Park Bunny Fanfic ☆Where stories live. Discover now