Chapter 29 - Free

Start from the beginning

"Tessa," my mother breathed, alarmed. "Are you alright? I can call the nurses for pain relievers instantly. You just let-"

"No. No." I answered quickly. Adamantly refusing any more hindrance to my senses; anymore drugs if I was able to decline them.

I hurt. But I could bear it. I had to.

I smiled at her, a small smile that tried to touch my eyes, if only to ease her discomfort.

"I must look awful," I joked. But I felt my free hand reach for my face before I could stop it, and the light brush of my fingers brought a stir of pain to my cheek. "Well," I murmured quietly, sure that my skin would look worse than it felt.

I could only think of Grant. Of what he thought, seeing me like this. And pain of a worse kind stabbed my heart.

"I'm going to call the doctor," my mother said, reaching for something beside her with hooded eyes I was too tired to question. "He has things to tell you."

I reached out for her hand and caught it, ignoring the pain by my rib cage at such a sudden jerk of motion. "No. Please. Not until after I see them."

Her eyes clouded. "Baby, I exceeded the rules already by a good ten minutes. I was supposed to call Dr. Gleason right after you woke, if you awoke without any staff in the room."

"I'm clearly okay."

"No. You're not," she began softly, "You wince every time you speak. And don't think I haven't noticed that you've been doing your best not to move or shift any muscle in your body to keep from feeling their existence."

"I want to cry," I groaned, and for a moment I thought I might.

She reached out for me and took my palm. "No, no, honey. Please. Just a few moments with the doctor and Grant will be here with you. I'll wait with Stella outside while you both talk."

"But I want to see her, too." I countered, forgetting that I was twenty-three and damning maturity to hell. "She must be so scared and shocked after all this-"

"She's worried about you, baby. But she knows you're going to be better. She's strong and intelligent. And don't you worry your head off, Tessa, girl. Please." She spoke as if the last sentence pained her.

"I know... But God, I want to see them-"

And the door opened.

I expected the doctor, but my chest expanded and released when I saw his body through the crack of the door, strong and beautiful. He looked up from beside him, where Stella stood holding his hand, and I saw his face. His pure blue eyes were tired, his strong jawline and cheeks covered with a soft, dark shadow of hair.

I felt my heart twist at the sight of his troubles, because I knew he hadn't slept for me. I knew he was worried and angry and tired. Oh, so very tired.

"The doctor's on his way," my mom said, before he could look at me. "I'll step outside with Stella when he comes. Come say hi to Tessa, quick," she urged, smiling at Stella, who unlatched her hand from Grant's and came to the side of my bed in a hurry.

I could feel him stare at me, but my eyes went to the little girl beside me who struggled to come closer without overstepping what she felt were my boundaries.

"Come right here, baby," I murmured, patting at the spot beside me over the mattress.

Her eyes hesitated, but she reached out to me.

"I don't want to hurt you," she whispered.

And a big figure came beside her and took her into his arms, placing her softly beside me so that she was nestled underneath my arm, the IV out of reach.

With Crayons and Love (Romantic Suspense) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now