Ronald Bilius Weasley

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Hey guys!! I made a new cover! What do you think of it? I hope you like it because it took a while to make!

But anyway, time for the chapter.

You know who doesn't get enough respect? RONALD

I've racked my brain trying to figure out why such a sweet and loving character is the butt of all the fandoms disrespect, but honestly, there's no good excuse.

However, I believe there are two main reasons why he is so overlooked:

1: The movies. They twisted his character.

It's like the people who made it said, "Ya know what these movies need? No, not well-rounded, deep characters! We need a comic relief guy!"

And so they threw out everything that made Ron unique.

Ron says something intelligent? Toss it. Ron shows his caring side? Toss it. Ron is a great friend to Harry? Definitely toss it!

The books are riddled with reasons why Ron is an amazing character, but the movies kept, like, maybe two of them. Ugh!

2: His inferiority complex. Yes, he does have one, and yeah, it does cause him to be selfish, jealous, and angry sometimes. But guys, he doesn't have it for no reason. He grew up with five older brothers! Five!! Not only that, but he's also the youngest brother.

Let's tally all this up, shall we?

•Five older brothers
•Youngest brother
•Family is dirt poor
•His best friend is one of the most famous wizards in history
•All of his brothers are either scholarly legends or prank geniuses
•His other best friend is the brightest witch of her age

If that doesn't make you feel a little self conscious, I don't know what will!

But together, these two points make people forget that he is more than comic relief, and that his non funny side is more than jealousy.

He is so much more than that though.

This is the kid who beat a chess game meant to kill you at age eleven. This is the kid who faced his greatest fear multiple times to save his friends and do what's right. This is the kid who made his best friend feel like a part of his family, even though it was over crowded already. This kid is...amazing.

So, here's your quest Potterheads:

If you ever hear anyone talking smack about Ron, throw spiders on them and sing Weasley is Our King as loud as you can!

Weasley is our king
Weasley is our king
He didn't let the quaffle in
Weasley is our king

Weasley can save anything
He never leaves a single ring
That's why Gryffindors all sing
Weasley is our king!

Tell me what you guys think in the comments! I love hearing from you guys!

~The Potter Blogger

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