High Pointe - Episode 9

Start from the beginning

So, I did as I was told.

My legs shook badly as I continued to move up and down. There was no way I could keep this up much longer, even if I did endure the crop as a way to gain some respite before picking up my pace again. My legs would give out eventually, and then he was going to realize he'd picked the wrong student and decide to dispose of me before I ever had a chance to come up with a new plan of escape. My will to live, to keep going, pushed me forward as I fought through the muscle exhaustion and bent my knees once more, struggling to keep my feet in first position and my thighs trembling with the effort.

I had reached the end of my limits though, and I could not force myself to rise. Another strike came down, this time across the backs of my thighs, and I cried out as I tumbled to the floor.

"Up," Victor ordered.

"I can't," I gasped as sweat dripped down the back of my neck and I panted against the wood floor, relieved to no longer be on my feet.

"Up," He demanded again, his voice rising with a dangerous edge. Out of the corner of my eye I could see him raising the crop, preparing to strike.

I fought the urge to curl up in the fetal position and just let him got for it. I had to stay strong, had to fight for a chance to get out of here. My body ached, every muscle in my legs and my core protesting as I forced myself to my feet and into the correct position once more. The chain around my wrist jingled as I managed to pull myself together and put myself in first position once more.

"Again," he said.

"Please, no," I begged.

"Again," he said, "Or I can simply use the crop to remind you of your place until you've learned to do as your told."

I bit my lip, knowing that he meant it. There was no reason to doubt him. He had every intention of punishing me until I did exactly as he said. With a frustrated cry, I forced my knees to bend again as I dipped down and then rose up once more.

"Fuck," I whispered, fighting back tears. The pain wasn't unbearable, but it was a near thing. I'd pushed myself past my limits often enough to know that I could do this if I wanted it badly enough, but aside from trying to appease my self-appointed instructor I had no motivation to do this. It was that lack of motivation that kept me from falling into the natural high that I knew could come from practicing a move over and over again.

Still, I had to try.

Down, up, and down again. I wasn't sure how many times I repeated the movement after that, only that I had to keep doing it. There was no internal motivation, but the crop was an ever-present threat and I knew he would use it without hesitation if I displeased him. Desperate to avoid the pain, I mentally sank into the numbness that came with over-exerting myself. Then, finally, my mind began to float in a sea of endorphins as I forced my body to do as it was told.

I could do this.

I had to do this.

"Good girl," Victor purred a few minutes later. The sound of his voice hit me harder than the crop ever had, dragging me back to reality by force. I scowled up at him as I dipped once more. I hated his praise, hated that it made me feel something a spark of pride in the back of my mind.

"Stop," Victor said at last, and I stopped abruptly.

Then the shakes began. The pain was a low level throb in my thighs and ass at first, but the shakes were a thousand times worse. They started small, just a slight tremble, and then grew in power until my leg muscles were twitching and spasming as I collapsed, falling to the ground and curling up around the ache in my core. I was too weak and exhausted to hold back the tears, and a few of them spilled out and splashed onto the floor as my shoulders shook too, a quiet sob escaping me.

"I think that's enough for today," Victor said, his voice soft and filled with a gentle concern that was discordant with everything he had done to me so far. "I hope you've learned your lesson, my treasure. I don't want to have to do that again."

"Fuck you," I whispered, hating him with every part of my aching body and grimacing at the pet name.

He chuckled and reached down, sliding his hands under my knees and my shoulders as he lifted me into his arms. I didn't have the energy to fight him. Instead, I was forced to let him carry me to the bed and settle me onto the mattress, positioning my limbs to his liking. He sat down beside me once he was satisfied, adjusting the chain on my wrist so that it wouldn't tangle up in my hair.

"You did so well," He told me, running a gentle hand along my waist and over my hip. "You're such a good student, Sophia. You have so much potential. If you can be good for me, I'll teach you to be the best. And someday, when you're ready, I'll make sure you have the chance to show the rest of the world just how brilliantly you shine."

I didn't know what to say, and even if I had, I didn't think I had the energy to form a coherent response.

Instead, I turned my head away from him and stared at the wall, my whole body sore and aching as I remembered Lily's warning and felt a fire ignite inside me. Clearly I wasn't the only one he'd taken advantage of. I was just the one currently unfortunate enough to face the most extreme version of his twisted training.

"Get some rest, little gem," he whispered, chastely kissing my cheek even as his hand slid possessively over my ass. "Tomorrow your true training begins."

He rose then, and the sound of his footsteps was followed by the door locking behind him. Then silence echoed through the empty studio. As I laid in that bed, eyes shut tight and body trembling, I began to plan my escape once more. This time, I knew who I was up against and I knew exactly how to handle men like him. Men who saw me as an object, a possession to covet and caress.

Men like that always overlooked the most important thing about me. I wasn't just a pretty face. I was smart, and determined, and passionate. I was a survivor, willing to do anything to regain my freedom, and Victor Cantrell had no idea just who he was up against.


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