3.05 ɴᴏ ʙᴀᴅ ᴅᴀʏꜱ

Start from the beginning

And their overall score was 990. 

"The next crew placed third." Kang Daniel told us all as I stayed on the edge of my seat. 

"Maybe?" Ling asked for us. 

"Not yet." I told her. "We have two main dancers girl." I told her with a wink. 

"My heart." Latrice told us all. 

"The third place crew is...." Kang Daniel told us all slowly. "BEBE." 

"Bada was chosen as the main dancer in the Leader Class and earned 100 extra points. But Kyma and Cheche of the Middle Class lost 50 points." Kang Daniel told us all, we already knew this dude! 

"Here are the individual scores." Kang Daniel told us all, as the scores popped up one by one. 

Bada got 300 points. Lusher got 220 points. Minah got 270 points. Kyma and Cheche got 90 points. And Tatter got 230 points. 

With their overall score as 1160. 

"She's perfect." I sang out trying not to laugh. 

"As for the ranking of the next crew I will announce, it's the lowest ranking, it's the crew that came in last." Kang Daniel announced, which meant it was one of three crews. Wolf Lo, Deep N Dap or 1MILLION. 

"The crew that came in eighth place is...." Kang Daniel slowly announced. "Wolf Lo." 

Fucking hell. 

"No one in Wolf Lo was chosen as the main or worst dancers." Kang Daniel told us all as we were still getting over our collective shock. "So they start at zero points." 

"Here are the individual scores from Wolf Lo." Kang Daniel told us all as the scored all came up one by one.

Halo got 140 points. Mini got 90 points. Baby Sleek got 280 points. Chocol and Haechi Wang got 90 points. And Yeni Cho got 90 points.

And their overall score was 690. 

"Baby Sleek carried." Kirsten told me with a nod. 

"Everyone in the honour class has high scores." I heard a mutter as they looked at the scores. So far the lowest was 200 points from Cera. 

"I will now announce the crew in seventh place." Kang Daniel told all of us. 

"Seventh place is....." Kang Daniel slowly announced to us all. "Deep N Dap." 

"Deep N Dap didn't have a main dancer, however Deep N Dap's leader Mina Myoung was voted as the worst dancer of the Leader Class losing a total of 50 points for her team." Kang Daniel told the crews.

"Here are the individual scores from Deep N Dap." Kang Daniel told us all as the scored all came up one by one.  

Mina Myoung got 110 points. Downy got 200 points. Soll got 220 points. Minny Park and JJ got 90 points. Gooseul got 190 points. 

Making Deep N Dap's overall score 760. 

"The Crew in sixth place is 1MILLION." Kang Daniel just outright told us all as there was no more surprise anymore with this now. 

Lia Kim got 210 points. Harimu got 180 points. Dohee got 210 points. Amy and Debby got 140 points. And Redy got 190 points. 

Making 1MILLION's overall score 930. 

"I hove only 1st and 2nd places to announce now." Kang Daniel told us all as he held the cards in his hands. "JAM REPUBLIC and TSUBA KILL are the only crews.... that have not been announced yet." 

Both of us two crews held a main dancer position, with us holding onto two from the Sub Leader and Honour class. 

"The crew in first place is....." Kang Daniel slowly told us all. 

"JAM REPUBLIC." I just jumped up as we all cheered for first place finally. 

"Oh my gosh." Emma told us with a smile. 

"I will now reveal the individual scores." Kang Daniel announced as we waited for the board to show. 

Kirsten got 270 points. Latrice got 300 points. Chloe got 300 points. Ling and Audrey got 290 points. And Emma got 150 points. 

Making our score a whopping 1510. 

"We both got full points!" I told Latrice as I hugged her from above as I sat on the second level of the seats. 

"Really? What?!" Ling said as we looked at their score, it was higher than the Main Dancers, MANNEQUEEN's, score. 

"YES!" Audrey told us with a smile as she did a little happy dance. 

"Good job." I told Audrey kissing the top of her head with a smile. 

"We came here to prove ourselves." I told the group in Korean. "I think we are off to a great start. And I can't wait to be together with them... to do the next challenge because good luck, we're stronger together." 

"By default, TSUBA KILL came in second place." Kang Daniel told the crew left. 

"The main dancer of the Rookie Class, Rena of TSUBA KILL...." Kang Daniel started to tell us all. "Brought 100 additional points to her crew." 

"I will now reveal the individual scores." Kang Daniel told us all as we waited to see these scores.  

Akanen got 230 points. Sayaka got 260 points. Miki got 260 points. Momo and Yumeri got 90 points. And Rena got 290 points. 

Making their overall score 1230. 

"You were evaluated based on your individual skills for the class mission

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"You were evaluated based on your individual skills for the class mission. And the eight crews are in different places now." Kang Daniel started to tell us. "You survival will now depend on this next mission."

"After this mission, the very first crew..... will be eliminated from Street Woman Fighter 2." Kang Daniel told us all.

"The next mission will determine the first crew to be eliminated." Kang Daniel told us all. "It's the Kpop Deathmatch Mission." 

"The major four entertainment agencies in Korea popularized the performances of Korean Artists all over the world." Kang Daniel told us all. "And you will perform songs from these agencies to battle it out." 

And I watched as Next Level came up, and I screamed with laughter. 

"BADA!" I shouted before we both did the move at the same time. 

"The creators of the choreography are here!" I heard Haechi Wang say as she meant me and Bada. "And the singer of it!" 

"I've made two of these dances! AHHHHHHHHHHH! Pressure......" I creased with giggles now, literally foling myself in half, as my chest touched my knees. 

"One crew will come out as a winner and the other as a loser." Kang Daniel told us all as we nodded. "It will be advantageous for you to compete against a crew you have a shot at beating." 

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