3.02 ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ

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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday (A week)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Seven days a week
Every hour, every minute, every second
You know night after night
I'll be lovin' you right
Seven days a week

You love when I jump right in
All of me I'm offering
Show you what devotion is
Deeper than the ocean is
Wind it back, I'll take it slow
Leave you with that afterglow
Show you what devotion is
Deeper than the ocean is

Seven ~
JungKook and Latto

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" There were screams in a practice room of the lot Street Woman Fighter was being filmed in. 

[Who is that?] 

I was led around with the members of the Honour Class as some of us were just screaming right now randomly. 


"The song is very tough, and gritty, so smirks only please." I told them all as we grouped together in two lines so I could teach the choreography.

"I want to mainly show toughness and less youth." I told the confessional camera with a nod. "It's hard because I love both concepts but this song is so tough."

"So let's start on the intro." I demonstrated the move as all of the dancers were on the group. "As if the ground is ringing, and I want everyone to have an individual way to getting up."

"So, one two three......" I started to do my bit of the choreography as they all got their own way to standing up, and it did look quite nice and clean. 

"Then then once we're all up pah!" I told them as I struck my body to face straight on. 

"Pah!" Cera told me as they all followed the movement with a smile. 

"Pretty good." I told them with a smile. 

"Right so getting this all together." I told them. And I went through the beats we had already done, my voice imitating the sound of the song. 

"And five and six and seven and eight." I added onto the end as we had just added in a new set of counts to the dance. 

"One two three, four, five six, seven and eight." I counted along as we all did the dance in one, luckily all of us were doing the same moves at this point. 

And once we had done the whole intro I looked at us all as we were just marking it and it was a lot. 

"There's no time to rest in this part, but everyone gets a rest and we all have parts when we step out." I told them all with a nod. 

"I think it's gonna be important to grab people's attention from the start, make it known that we're a new class being added and this should be kept, the Honour Class is honourable for a reason." I told the camera with a nod. 

"Right so, are we all good to go from the beginning?" I asked them all as we had a quick drink of water. 

Getting a group consensus from the nods around the room. We all placed ourselves in position to start the dance. 

And this time I put the music on for us all. "Full out!" Soll shouted with a smile. 

"Let's go!" Dohee told us all with a shout as we nodded. 

And all of us got to it with the dance being full of power from the get go. All of us dancing with a smile, before shouting out of the beats and I watched in the mirror as we all seemed in time to each other and the beats on that moment. 

"That was amazing!" I told them with a grin as I watched them all pose at the end. "Like top class!" 

"My arms are getting pumped as I dance each time!" Baby Sleek told us all as we stretched out our arms a bit as this is very arm heavy. "Like, my arms are getting thicker!" 

"Get you more muscles!" Minah told the older woman as we both squeezed her muscles with a smile. All of us laughing at this group. The two children and their mother. 

"I have challenged myself with this choreography more than I have done the girls as it's three minutes of such an intense dance, but if I was frankly showing what I have done so far I wouldn't be nervous or as excited to do this dance." I told the confessional camera with a nod. 

"I have never been so exhausted!" I told Kirsten and Audrey as I face planted the sofa Audrey was sat on, falling slightly on her lap. 

"Why what's wrong?" Audrey asked me patting my hair. 

"Nothing, these girls are so good, and it's making my job a lot easier as they are so willing and easy to work with, there is so much cohesion!" I told them with a smile. 

"Like, they all want to make the best video as possible, they're giving me help with choreography if I do and move and I don't like it, they want the best!" I told them with a smile. 

"The dance is just so tiring, it's full energy all the time, there is not one but of the song where we can sort of go, it slows down truly." I told them with a nod. 

[Who is still in the studio?

I was still in the studio after all of the crews were gone, as I had planned as solo for the end of the dance, which I wanted to work on. 

A this point, I had lot all sanity, and I was just making little noises for each beat as I danced. 

But I was struggling as I was missing the beats on the fastest part of this dance. 

"You okay?" I heard a voice call out before I turned and Bada was stood in the doorway just watching me. 

"How long were you there for?" I asked her tilting my head with a smile. 

"Not long, long enough to see that." Bada told me pointing at where I was previously stood. 

"Yeah, it's no where near perfect." I told her. 

"Show me?" Bada asked of me. 

"What?" I just asked her tilting my head. 

"Show me the dance." She asked of me as I suddenly just nodded, getting up to dance. 

I quickly showed her what I had so far for the solo part of the choreography. 

"You're not hitting the beats." Bada just told me. Like I didn't know that already. 

"I already knew that. Tell me something I don't know!" I told her shaking my head. 

"Come on, you're so close." Bada told me sitting against the mirror to watch me practice this move. 

She had me repeat that move for about ten times before I finally got it. Both of us just communicating in 'di's

"There we go! It's be a bit better if the gun was a bit bigger." Bada told me. "And then thumbs down." 

"Very cool." She praised me making me just smile. 


As the days went on for us learning the choreography it started to get more and more intense as we had so much to learn before the shooting day. 

We started to go through the dance as a group full out as much as we could. And we added where I could step on Miki's back at the end of it all. I hated that I did it but it was such a cool key point for the dance. 

Once we were all done with practising the whole dance we all just led on the floor. "Fuck me!" I told myself. 

"Every time we do this I feel like my life is getting shorter." Minah told me with a laugh as I shook my head. 

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