27. Broken

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Abhimanyu was sitting in his office going through the campaign plan for the upcoming election. He heard a knock and looked up to see his PA outside through the glass door.

He signed with his hand to come in.

"Yes, Pandey Ji, say.." Abhimanyu said while going through the papers.

"Sir, you asked about Madam and Dr. Ishaan's connection," his PA said, making Abhimanyu look at him.

Now he is attentively listening to him.

"Sir, actually Madam is one of his patients according to the information I got from the hospital. She has been visiting him for more than one months now. And Dr. Ishaan Khurrana is one of the best oncologists of the country," Abhimanyu was shocked, scared and confused hearing whatever his PA just revealed to him.

Patient of Ishaan? What's wrong with her? Is she not fine? What happened to her that she had to visit the doctor without telling him?

How come he didn't know this? And why didn't Aaravi tell him? Is this what she is hiding from him?

All these questions started roaming in his mind making him go crazy. He felt the restlessness he was feeling for the last few days intensify suddenly.

"Why Aaravi is visiting Dr. Ishaan?" he asked his PA.

"Sorry sir, but the hospital staff refused to share more about their patient's details," Abhimanyu asked him to leave as he needed time and space to think clearly and collect himself.

He suddenly started feeling suffocated and anxious thinking why Aaravi would meet an neurologist. There is nothing wrong with that, right? She is absolutely fine.

But then why did she hide it from him and their family? She shares everything with him, every single thing. Then why didn't she tell him this?

Then suddenly he remembered her strange behavior when everyone was planning their wedding. Her rejection, her cries, her protest.

He took his car key and phone and walked out of his office in a hurry. He saw his PA was about to come with him but he told him not to follow him.

He sat inside his car and started the car.

He needed answers to all his questions before his fear made him go crazy. And only a person can answer all his questions.

The whole ride he was mentally praying to not get his fear come true. He wanted to be proven wrong. That whatever he is thinking is not true.

No, don't think anything negative, Abhi. It is just your fear and overthinking mind. Nothing is wrong. Everything is alright.

They are finally living their dream. They are going to be parents. She is carrying their little soul. They are happy and content in their life. Nothing should go wrong, now. She should be alright. Please God.

He opens the door of Ishaan's cabin after the nurse lets him in.

Ishaan, who was reading one of his patient reports, looked up hearing the door opening.

Seeing Abhimanyu, he becomes shocked for a second before his expression turns normal.

"Please come in," Abhimanyu entered inside and sat on the visitor's chair.

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