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♪ And every girl I ever talked to told me you were bad, bad news
You called them crazy, God, I hate the way I called them crazy too ♪

Max Verstappen POV

We were avoiding each other like the plague, if I saw her I would turn and walk in the opposite direction, if she entered a place I was in she would just walk out. It worked wonderfully.

"For how long do you think that is a good way to deal with the situation?" Charles asked me as he saw Skylar ordering her team where to stand since George was in the same press conference as us. She prepared to leave a few times but one of the team members always stopped her.

"It's been working well for 2 months, I think it is a good strategy," I say pleasingly, we are in Monaco already and it's been working well.

"Let's start!"

The warning is heard before the questions can start, which means Skylar can't leave the room. Most of the questions were directed to me but one was finally directed to George.

"George Russell, I know you are a very private person. But you are dating Skylar Abbott, Max Verstappen's ex-girlfriend. How is that going?" The question is heard, and I look at Skylar who seemed surprised by the question and then I look at George who just chuckled.

"Skylar Abbott is not only Max's ex-girlfriend. She is a very successful producer, she has done a great job with our team and I truly enjoy her company but I am not dating her. As I've commented a few times before, these questions should be about the race, not our personal lives."

George's answer was worded well, he was counting on this and I was not. I could see the way he looked at her, he wanted her, did she want him or his money? What if she had been seeing him before? Is he the reason she disappeared so quickly?

"Max, how do you feel about this whole ordeal? Do you have a good friendship with Skylar? Was the end of the relationship as amicable as it was portrayed?"

"Skylar is an amazing person, our relationship came to an end as a mutual decision. I just hope she is happy with whoever she decides is worthy of her happiness, if it's George then I can only expect him to treat her as she deserves to be treated," I answered but I didn't mean a single word.

The press conference continued but that question was swirling through my mind. I avoided seeing anything on them but as soon as I stepped out of that room I picked my phone up and searched her name on Google and, sure enough, there were pictures of them.

Taking a walk through the track, leaving the hotel together, and arriving together too. Dinner dates, a walk around the street.

"Don't do that to yourself, they are not together," Charles says as he tries to close the Google tab.

"Aren't they?" I am skeptical and I see George leaving the room, with her by his side.

"Admit that you liked that answer," George says with a huge smile.

"I did not. You need to deny comments on your private life, this is unacceptable," she says as she types something on her phone.

"Well, in my defense, if I said that, I might as well say we are dating. If I don't deny it they will take it as a yes," George says as he looks over her shoulder and he laughs at the text, "your mom is too funny."

"Don't take sneak peeks at my phone, you are getting too bold, aren't you? I'm going to put you on time out George," she says as she puts the phone in her pocket.

"I am not a kid, you could kiss me to keep me quiet, I wouldn't mind," he suggested with a smirk and she rolled her eyes.

"I bet you wouldn't. Now, respect me and keep your damn mouth shut before I get mad," she orders him as they turn to leave and they finally see me, George's smile is there but hers disappeared.

"Sorry about the relationship questions, I tried to stop it but they are endless," George says nonchalantly.

"Congratulations, you look good together," I say as my eyes are fixed on hers for the first time in a year and a half.

"We do, don't we? I tried telling her that but it's not working. Thank you for the reassurance, also I will take care of her as she deserves, no need to worry," his words sounded almost like a warning was being given so I nodded.

"I bet you will, I will see you later," I say as they leave.

"Oh, that was tense as fuck," Charles says as he takes a deep breath.

"Why the fuck were you holding your breath?" I ask dumbfounded by the friends I have made here.

"Because that was tense, I didn't even notice until it was too late. Is he trying to piss you off or is he just clueless?" Charles asks confusedly.

"Oh, he is not clueless, he knows what he is doing," I say decisively before leaving for the motorhome where I had combined to meet Christian, I am boiling because of that asshole. Who does he think he is?

"Why are you so annoyed?" Christian asks after the meeting is done and we are finally leaving.

"No reason at all, I am fine," I say as I avoid looking at him.

"Is it because of George? Don't let him get to your head," Christian knows me too well but I won't admit it out loud.

"What did George do?" I ask as I play dumb.

"He still hasn't done anything, but is actively trying to be the next boyfriend of Skylar and I am sure that is eating you inside because you still love her," Christian words hit me like a train.

"I don't love her, I stopped loving her months ago," I say decisive in my words.

"Yeah, we all just pretend to believe that. Sorry to inform you," he says nonchalantly.

"It's the truth, I couldn't care less," I say as we arrive at the car, I am now not glad to have offered him a ride this morning, I should've let him take a cab from the hotel to here.

"Stop wearing that bracelet then, everyone would believe it," he says looking at my wrist and I look too.

"That's not happening though."

The bracelet was given to me by Skylar on our first date, we had gone close to the beach and there was a man selling these, she bought them because they were Red Bull's color, she gave me one and got the other. I never took it off. It was one of those braided bracelets, it was made of wool so the FIA requirements never made me take it out, I still don't know how it never got destroyed after using it for 5 years straight.

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